by Mary Carver | Sep 8, 2010 | Giving Up on Perfect
It’s no secret around here that I like to watch a lot of TV. Some of you have even suggested that I watch too much TV. That’s fine. You go ahead and point your disapproving fingers. But just remember: When one finger is pointing at me, it makes it really hard to get a...
by Mary Carver | Aug 30, 2010 | Giving Up on Perfect
Do you ever find yourself watching a TV show and loving it – except for that one character? Have you ever wished a certain character would meet an untimely demise, as they say? But what if he could change? What if she promises it will be different this time? What if...
by Mary Carver | Jun 20, 2008 | Books, Movies & TV
Since I wrote about a “soundalike,” I just can’t resist talking a bit about lookalike celebrities. I love playing this game, you see, and my best friend (who indulges me and puts up with me saying, “See, see – they really do look...