by Mary Carver | Jul 12, 2016 | Giving Up on Perfect
I’m sitting in a hotel in Houston right now, listening to the latest episode of The Popcast. Earlier I talked to my girls and my mom on Skype, and I tried to do the math on the time difference between Kansas City, Missouri, and Nairobi, Kenya. I’m flying...
by Mary Carver | Jul 5, 2016 | Giving Up on Perfect
I wanted to be clever and title this post something like, “If the shoe fits…” or “When the shoe is on the other foot…” or “Waiting for the other shoe to drop…” But the truth is, that would have been more confusing...
by Mary Carver | Jun 26, 2016 | Faith Life, Giving Up on Perfect
The first time I attended a blog conference was a strange experience. I’d only been blogging for a few months, and only a handful of friends and a few random “Internet people” ever clicked their way to my site. I didn’t know a thing about SEO,...
by Mary Carver | Feb 3, 2015 | Faith Life, Giving Up on Perfect
I am so excited to wear these earrings! Not [just] because they’re pretty. And not [just] because they’re dangly and gold, and I like dangly and am trying to work more gold into my jewelry rotation. But because they came from my first Fair Trade Friday...