Today is the 40th Earth Day. Or do we call it “Earth Day 40”? Or “the 40th anniversary of Earth Day”?
Whatever it is, it’s a day – at the least – to think about our planet and what we’re doing to care for it.
This year, as I may have mentioned since I’m irrationally proud of myself, I started [finally] recycling. And thanks to my very smart readers (and a guilty conscience), I just told Mark last weekend that we need to buy good water bottles and stop buying the plastic, disposable (I mean, recyclable!) ones.
We’re also in the process of replacing all our light bulbs with the twisty, green kind. But I’m just going to be honest: I don’t love them. I’ll keep buying them, but I think they put off a weird light.
In honor of the holiday, I thought maybe we could talk about our favorite places on Earth. Of the natural variety, not the Disney World or Mall of America variety.
Two of my favorites are White Sands National Park in New Mexico and Bear Lake in Colorado.
I went to White Sands on a youth group trip in high school. We sat on the dunes and talked about deep things for what seems like – in my memory – hours. I was amazed that God just this incredible amount of sand in the middle of nowhere. It was beautiful. And so were the conversations my friends and I had.
[For the record, I don’t remember at all what we talked about. But I distinctly remember it being important as only conversations can be when you’re 15 and hundreds of miles away from home.]
Bear Lake is in the Rocky Mountain National Park. I’ve visited it twice with my parents and once with Mark. I have pictures of us on each trip on the same rock. Cool, right?
Also, hiking around the lake (the hard trail, not the easy one, thank you very much) with Mark was the day I realized that I am deathly afraid of climbing down from a mountain. Or from a tall rock. Either way, it’s scary. But the lake is beautiful. Postcard, can’t believe it’s real, wish I could take more pictures beautiful.
What are your favorite places on Earth? And how are you celebrating Earth Day?
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