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Life is hard, and the world isn’t fair. These are two lessons everyone learns at some point – but what if the lessons didn’t stop there? What if we could also learn to live well, despite difficult circumstances; to choose joy in the face of challenges; and to trust God through it all?

Sara Frankl lived with chronic pain as a result of autoimmune disease called ankylosing spondylitis and was eventually confined to her home before dying at 38 years old. If anyone had a reason to focus on the unfairness of life, it was her. Yet Sara accomplished something few can, especially those enduring intense pain: she chose joy.

CHOOSE JOY is a must-have for those searching for meaning and beauty in a world full of tragedy. Her words breathe with vitality tag heuer imitations watches and life, and her stories will inspire smiles, tears, and the desire to “choose joy.” Readers will find themselves contemplating what really matters and move to reassess their day-to-day perspective on life.

CHOOSE JOY is now available in paperback. Click here to order your copy today!



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Ann Voskamp “Sara never stopped choosing joy—and her life never stops inspiring me to do the same.”

Ann Voskamp, author of New York Times bestseller One Thousand Gifts

Lysa Terkeurst

“Sara was one of the kindest, most generous souls I’ve ever known. I pray her words live on through this book chock-full of her spunk, zest, and grace-filled wisdom.”

Lysa TerKeurst, author of New York Times best seller Made to official statement Crave

Lisa-Jo Baker

“Sara’s story only grew louder, bolder, braver with her death. It’s a story that we all need to keep hearing.”

Lisa-Jo Baker, bestselling author of Surprised by Motherhood, social media manager for DaySpring, and community manager for (in)courage

Holley Gerth

“Sara’s words, faith, and joy still echo in my heart and I’m thrilled to have even more of her encouragement through these pages. All of us need Sara’s message of resilience and hope in a hard world.”

Holley Gerth, bestselling author of You’re Loved No Matter What

Liz Curtis Higgs

“Sara’s honesty and courage show us how we, too, can be bold and brave when facing down our worst fears. This isn’t a story about dying. It’s a story about living.”

Liz Curtis Higgs, bestselling author of Bad Girls of the Bible


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God gives us what we need when we need it. Not before, not after, but during. #ChooseJoyBook Click To TweetFear comes off the table when you choose joy instead. #ChooseJoyBook Click To TweetJoy comes in learning to live not despite what you've lost, but because of what you've gained. #ChooseJoyBook Click To TweetHave difficulties and the trials of life stolen your joy? #ChooseJoyBook Click To TweetSometimes joy seems impossible to find, but it is there. Keep your eyes open. #ChooseJoyBook Click To TweetLife can be hard, but joy is always available. Order #ChooseJoyBook today! Click To TweetNeed a place to find joy in the midst of tough times? Order #ChooseJoyBook Click To TweetThis is the book for the joy-seekers and the hope-finders. #ChooseJoyBook Click To TweetHow to find hope and purpose even when life hurts: #ChooseJoyBook Click To Tweet

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“Choose Joy is a must-read book, full of love, hope and grace, just like Sara. Her words, beautifully pieced together by Mary Carver, left me yearning to live with more intention. This book is a gift the world needs.”

Jessica N. Turner, author of The Fringe Hours

“Sara was a rare soul. She did what most of us long to do: She found joy in the midst of heartache and loss. The beautiful message of this book is if Sara can choose joy in her pain, so can I. Through the gift of her words and Mary’s pen, we can learn to choose joy, too.”

Kristen Welch, author of Rhinestone Jesus and founder of the We are THAT family blog

“Choose Joy is a look at Sara Frankl’s beautiful life and triumphant spirit that encouraged, challenged, and inspired women around the world through the magic of technology. Your heart will be deeply stirred after reading Choose Joy.”

Alli Worthington, author of Breaking Busy and executive director of Propel Women

“Choose Joy is a journey into joy from the most unlikely source – a woman who was well-aquainted with grief. If you ever doubt the difference God’s presence can make in your everyday life, read this book. Sara’s story has lingered with me long after I closed the book, and I’m ever grateful to Mary Carver for writing it down.”

Emily P. Freeman, author of Simply Tuesday

“Mary Carver does an incredible job capturing the beautiful spirit of Sara Frankl and her ability to overcome hurdles and obstacles that few of us could ever understand. The hopeful message provided serves as an incredible encouragement that even when life is not going the way we expect, choosing joy is always an option.”

Amy Allen Clark, founder of

“To read Choose Joy is to be part of a conversation among girlfriends. Sara’s voice is relatable and encouraging as it jumps from the page to my heart and Mary gives us context and perspective as she acts as narrator. I am humbled to have entered into Sara’s world through these collected writings and truly inspired to better choose joy in my own life’s circumstances.”

Alexandra Kuykendall, specialty content editor of MOPS International and author of Loving My Actual Life and The Artist’s Daughter: A Memoir

“Sara never stopped cheering me on to remember the joy set before me. She has entered the great cloud of witnesses, and when I least expect it, her words still hound me, and I remember how the race is worth it.”

Amber Haines, blogger and author of Wild in the Hollow

“In a world where so many are clamoring to be seen and heard, Sara encourages us to live a simple life, putting aside self and asking how we can best serve God. Sara’s message to choose joy in all circumstances, which she modeled so well, continues to influence those who read her words.”

Dawn Camp, blogger and editor of The Beauty of Grace

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Meet the Authors

Sara FranklSara Frankl passed away in 2011 at the age of 38, but her legacy of choosing joy lives on.  Known as “Gitzen Girl” or “Gitz,” Sara was a writer and an artist, a doting aunt and godmother, and a devoted fan of frozen Oreos, cute jeans, Harry Potter marathons, and the inspiring quotes she used to cover canvases, blog posts, and her walls. Though an autoimmune disease stripped Sara of the potential for a family and a future, she didn’t let that stop her from developing deep relationships through online communities that, even today, are inspired by her message of hope. Sara learned – and then shared – that a life full of joy is a matter of choice and no painful circumstance can take that from us. You can read Sara’s story on her blog, Gitzen Girl, and support her ministry with the Choose Joy Foundation.
Mary CarverMary Carver is a writer, speaker, and recovering perfectionist. She lives for good books, spicy queso, and television marathons, but she lives because of God’s grace. Mary writes about her imperfect life with humor and honesty, encouraging women to give up on perfect and get on with life, at She is also a regular contributor to (in),, and Mary and her husband live in Kansas City with their two daughters.


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For media inquiries about Choose Joy, please contact Sarah Falter.


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