And that’s a bad thing. Don’t bother telling me about the health benefits of seafood. Because here’s the thing: it just plain stinks.
The other day, I went to the grocery store, and the whole darned store smelled like dead fish. Or live fish. They smell the same, you know.
And that made me start thinking about my favorite – and least favorite – smells. So, because I didn’t have any deep thoughts in me last night, here they are:
Worst smells in the world that make me gag:
- Diesel fuel – I’m pretty sure this is thanks to the years I spent feeling nauseous on the school bus. But whatever the reason, I really hate the smell of diesel.
- Fish – I think we’ve covered this one.
- Ketchup – Back in college, right before I got married, I worked at McDonald’s. For four long weeks. And one of my horrible tasks involved taking this poker thing and smushing down the trash. The trash that contained a LOT of used ketchup. So while I do love dipping my fries in a large amount of the red sauce, I cannot stand to smell it. I know. Weird.
- My cats’ litter box – I don’t know what else you could possibly need to know about this one.
- Raw meat – Every once in a while, somebody in my house needs to sniff meat to see if it’s gone bad. And I can’t do it – because raw meat always smells bad to me! (Same with milk, but I’m sticking with a list of five here.)
Best smells in the world that make me so very happy:
- Clean laundry – I know some people are particular about which detergent should be used and which soaps smell best. I’m not that picky. I think pretty much any clean laundry smells wonderful.
- BBQ – If only BBQ tasted as good as it smells. (I know! Heresy!) My husband loves BBQ and could eat it every day, and luckily for him, we live just a couple blocks away from a great BBQ restaurant. Unluckily for him, I’d rather just drive by and sniff strongly than actually order some ribs and eat them.
- Burning leaves – Or a woodburning stove. But it has to be in the fall or winter. Because I’m not picky about anything, much less my favorite smells.
- Coffee – I don’t drink coffee. I don’t like coffee. It’s gross. Even a hint of coffee totally ruins food – cookies, brownies, ice cream. But the smell? Love. It.
- Apple – This might be a given, since my blog header has apples, but just in case you didn’t know: I love apples. I like eating apples, I like eating apple foods, and I love smelling apples. Lotion, candles, perfume, air freshener – all of it. Mmmm.
What are your favorite – and least favorite – smells?
Images by klynslis and kennymatic.
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