Sometimes I make the mistake of skating by on a big or late lunch until it’s almost time to leave work and go home.

I can gulp some water and chew gum to make it through the last hour of the day and the drive home. But once I get home?

I turn into a fridge monster.

Standing in front of the fridge – or the pantry, though I’m not sure that has the same sort of ring to it – I grab anything that looks good. I nibble, I graze, I snarf until I snap out of my starving state. The crumbs and wrappers are more evidence than I need; all of a sudden, I realize what I’ve done.

That’s when I remember: This is why I have to make sure to keep my desk stocked with healthy, filling snacks. It’s the only thing that keeps the monster away.

So when I was contacted by One2One Network about Ritz Crackerfuls, a possible solution for this afternoon snack dilemma, I was all over it.

Ritz Crackerfuls are individually wrapped cheese and cracker sandwiches made with whole grains and real cheese. They come in four varieties: Garlic Herb, Four Cheese, Classic Cheddar and Cheddar Cheese & Bacon.

For those wondering, each Crackerful is three Weight Watchers points.

One2One Network sent me a box of the cheese and bacon and the classic cheddar Crackerfuls. I took the classic box to work to share with my co-workers, and left the bacon box at home for Mark. Because he thinks that everything is better with bacon.

This one time, I have to disagree. I tried both kinds, and I definitely liked the classic cheddar better. My co-workers liked them, too. They laughed about me using them as my own focus group, but they had some great feedback. (So how could I not share it?)

Angela said it had the perfect amount of salt, and she liked that she could taste real cheese. She’s the friend I’ve gone to Weight Watchers meetings with for the past nine months, and while I haven’t lost squat, she’s lost 50 pounds. And after eating her Crackerful, she said, “Let me put it this way: if it wasn’t portioned out like this, I’d eat the hell out of ‘em.”

Michelle said it was awesome. “I loved it. Do you have another one?” After we laughed (and I failed to mention that no, I didn’t have another because I’d eaten them all), she said she would definitely buy a box for herself.

I thought the classic cheddar Crackerful was great. It was salty (which I like), but also slightly sweet (which I also like). The bacon version was good, too, although maybe a little too salty for me.

The only real problem I had with the Crackerful was the mess. When I ate one (okay fine, two) at work, I got crumbs all over my desk. And when I gave one to Annalyn, she opened it up like an Oreo, smeared cheese all over herself and my couch, and showered the entire living (or so it seemed) with crumbs.

Then again, that might be more of a toddler problem than a snack problem.

Will I buy these for myself? Good question! Thanks for asking. I probably will. For me, the aforementioned fridge monster, I’ll probably pair it with a piece of fruit. Otherwise, I’ll find myself eating two Crackerfuls – and that’s 6 points and a whole lot of crumbs.

If you’d like to try Ritz Crackerfuls, you can get a coupon for $1 off Cheddar Cheese & Bacon Crackerfuls on the Ritz Crackers Facebook page. The coupon is good through August 31, 2010.

What do you eat for an afternoon snack? Have you ever turned into a fridge monster?

One2One Network provided me free product samples. Posting this review makes me eligible for a gift card drawing. However, this review – just like everything on this blog – reflects my honest, personal opinion.


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