I watch a lot of procedurals. That means, for better or worse, that the guest star of the week is – more often than not – the bad guy.
As it turns out, that’s sometimes the case in other types of shows, too. The interim manager, the substitute teacher, the love interest designed to infuriate ‘shippers, those fans dedicated to the relationship of two characters. Whatever their role, the odds are good that these interfering interlopers guest stars are going to irritate or frustrate viewers.
Now, granted, not all guest stars are annoying or play the bad guy. But I have noticed lately that some actors almost always get on my last nerve when they appear on my favorite shows.
What is it about these actresses? Am I just being catty?
Well, I can tell you what it is about Rena Sofer (far right). She had the misfortune to play Bonnie Hane and prolong the will they/won’t they misery of my beloved Ed. Ever since, the moment she appears on my screen, I’m irritated. No matter what character she’s playing, I just don’t like her.
In my defense she’s played a woman with the nerve to date Seeley Booth (Bones) and a sneaky lawyer with countless layers of ulterior motives (NCIS). So clearly she’s to blame.
And I’ve heard that Tricia Helfer (middle) has a great many fans from her days on Battlestar Galactica. But I only know her from Burn Notice and, more recently, Franklin & Bash – both shows where she played a vindictive bad guy.
Also, finding a decent (as in, not indecent) photo of her for this post was more difficult than it should have been. Which only makes me like her less. A lot less.
Speaking of Burn Notice, Lauren Stamile (far left) is the latest foil for burned spy, Michael Westen. And I don’t like her. Much. Okay, fine. She’s okay. Just like she was okay on Community. And, for at least one episode, on Grey’s Anatomy. But I don’t love her. No, I don’t.
I’m not always a Guest Star Hater, you know. A couple years ago, Ralph Waite guest starred on both NCIS and Bones – and I loved him on both.
So there.
I’m sure if I thought about it a little more, I’d come up with a long list of guest stars who rub me one way or the other every time they show up on one of my shows.
Okay, let’s be honest. Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m going to be keeping a list for a future, follow-up post. Beware, guest stars. I’m watching you.
Do you find yourself consistently liking – or disliking – any actors when they guest star on your favorite shows?
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