Oh my gosh, could I love Castle any more? Probably not, but let’s start at the beginning of this first night of Premiere Week!
How I Met Your Mother: CBS promoted this as a one-hour premiere, which it was. Technically. In reality, it was simply two episodes. And here’s what we found out: Robin still has feelings for Barney, Barney wants to ask out Nora, Marshall and Lily are having a baby, and Ted is finally a successful architect but still missing out in the relationship department.
Ummmm…I knew all that from last year’s finale and the promos/spoilers I’ve read over the summer! But what I DIDN’T know was that Victoria would return! Remember her from the first season? I don’t think she’s the mother, and I remember her relationship with Ted being a little overly sweet for my taste, but still. I’m ready for Happy Ted again, even if for just a little while.
[It IS a little funny, though, that I had to forgo watching Warehouse 13 last night in exchange for catching the How I Met Your Mother premiere. I traded one show with Ashley Williams guest starring for another!]
2 Broke Girls: Look, this show wasn’t bad. And I do love Kat Dennings. But it wasn’t that great, either – and I just don’t have time in my very crowded TV schedule for a mediocre, broad comedy. So I’ll probably catch this when I can until I hear that it’s gotten really good. And then I’ll add it back in. Or not.
Castle: I love a lot of shows. Obviously. But Castle really is near the very top of my list of favorites. It just makes me happy. It is so darned funny, and I love every single one of the main characters. Last night’s premiere was INTENSE, but I expected no less after Kate was shot in last year’s finale. I wasn’t surprised with the “twist” at the end, when it was revealed that she did, in fact, remember Castle saying he loved her. But I trust this show’s writers to take this storyline in a good, non-drawing-it-out direction. (You hear that, show writers? Don’t let me down!)
Did you watch any of these shows? Or more?? Did you check out Ashton Kutcher in Two and a Half Men (blech.), or watch the show I’m so sad to miss, The Sing Off?
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