“It’s his Navy. It’s my team.”
NCIS is back! And despite the warnings that the person who died in the premiere was someone we all knew and loved, it was NOT, in fact, one of the main team.
Not that I thought it would be. But I’m still relieved. (Sorry, Cade.)
The premiere was definitely Tony-centric, but I suppose that’s to be expected after he was tasked with [yet another] secret mission in the finale. Giving him temporary amnesia was a handy way to walk us through the story of what’s happened over the past few months, but isn’t this flashback thing exactly what they did to kick off LAST season? With Tony?
Gibbs was his usual mysterious self, even frustratingly so to Tony and me. But I LOVED the scene with him, Tony and EJ where he did an impression of Mike Franks. And I always love when he protects his team, even when it pits him against Vance. [I did like when Vance told Gibbs to have his team quietly look into the connection between the two guys with microchips in their arms.]
The episode did not have nearly enough McGee, Abby or Ducky for my taste, and the sooner we get over this CIA Ray stuff, the happier I’ll be. But I’ve read elsewhere that Abby and Ducky both get their own backstories this season. [And, side note: Could McGee get any skinnier???] All in all, this was a great way to start a new season of NCIS!
I also watched New Girl last night. And laughed out loud several times! It wasn’t perfect, no. But it has great potential, and if you like Zooey Deschanel’s brand of quirky – and I DO – this show should find a spot on your TV schedule. I especially liked the non-douchebag-white-guy. (Does he have a name? I don’t know. They’re pretty much cartoons to me at this point. Even without a self-penned theme song, this is clearly The Jess Show.)
What did you think? Did you watch any new shows last night? And did you – like me – forget all about Ringer because it wasn’t new anymore?
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