Last year, in the midst of our long adjustment to life as a family of four, my oldest daughter and I began a tradition. Her last day of kindergarten was a half day, so after I picked her up, we headed to Chick-Fil-A. Over waffle fries and lemonade, we made plans.
My daughter has observed many meetings I’ve had in various jobs over the years, so along with pretending to be a doctor, a rock star, a teacher or a scientist, she likes pretending to work on the computer and have meetings “like Mommy.” When I told her that she and I were going to have our own meeting, she was over the moon.
And when I told her last weekend that we’d have another meeting on this year’s last day of school, she was just as excited.
I actually started making plans for the summer a couple months ago. At this point I’ve signed up for camp and classes and made a list of potential play dates, and I’ve highlighted all the best library programs in the summer catalog. So do I really need my daughter’s input on how we spend the next three months?
To read this rest of this post, join me at Mothers of Daughters.