The Couch: Conversations About Pop Culture & Why It Matters

How old AM I? This is a question I find myself asking on the regular these days. With all the anniversaries and remakes and remember-when lists on Buzzfeed, I cannot seem to escape the passage of time. I mean, none of us can escape the passage of time, but it feels like I can’t get away from acknowledging it these days! And so, I’m just leaning into it. Not only is 2019 the 25th anniversary of Friends, our loss of Kurt Cobain, and the original (and only good) Lion King, but it’s also the 25th anniversary of my first date with my husband. So 1994 is deeply embedded in my heart and my memory, including all the pop culture that came with it. Luckily, my friend Jenny was also a hormonal, impressionable, and likely melodramatic teen in 94, and she agreed to sit down with me and reminisce.

You might not be the same age as us, but no matter how old you were in 1994, I think you’ll enjoy taking a look back with us. And, please, let us know what YOU remember about 1994 – where you were then, what you loved then, what you still love now. We want to know! Find us on Instagram or email us at

So happy to have my first date documented in 1994.

As promised, I made a 1994 Spotify playlist for you. (I actually promised two, but it’s been brought to my attention that perhaps there’s not much demand for a separate country music throwback playlist. So, one combined list it is!)

Click here for the playlist.





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