by Mary Carver | Jul 11, 2021 | Faith Life
Years ago, our church family split apart, partly over disagreements and difficulties related to a new building in which we planned to meet. I became convinced that having a permanent physical space wasn’t really important for a church. The church was made of people,...
by Mary Carver | Jun 17, 2021 | Faith Life, Movie Moments
Last month my husband and I celebrated our twenty-second anniversary by going on a movie date for the first time in more than a year. I was a little anxious about this plan, but as we sat in a large theater with six other moviegoers all spread out, I eventually...
by Mary Carver | Mar 4, 2021 | Faith Life, Finding Truth in Unexpected Places, Truth in TV Shows
Are you watching WandaVision? (No worries if not. This is spoiler-free and gets to the Marvel-not-required point pretty quickly.) I’ve been watching WandaVision every Friday since the show premiered. My first and strongest reaction for several...
by Mary Carver | Mar 4, 2021 | Faith Life
In the thirteen years we lived in our first home, we dumped thousands of dollars and even more sweat and tears and prayers into it. A small, poorly constructed house, it was less a HGTV-type fixer-upper and more a money pit that had a real hard time passing inspection...
by Mary Carver | Dec 10, 2020 | Faith Life
I stood shivering in my church’s parking lot, chatting with a couple friends (six feet apart). I was there to pick up my daughter after her small group, and they were there to clean out the children’s ministry bins that had been sitting unused for eight months. We...
by Mary Carver | Oct 29, 2020 | Faith Life
At the end of my freshman year of college, I applied for a leadership position in the campus ministry I’d been a part of all year. I wasn’t sure what area would be the best fit, but I figured I could probably lead a small group or be part of the event-planning...