I'm Not Sorry I Haven't Seen Your Favorite Movie | a #write31days by givinguponperfect.com

On the last day of the conference my roommate forced me to take a walk. I mean, invited me to take a walk. Whatever. We took a walk.

Greenville, South Carolina, has a beautiful, charming downtown district, and if you walk far enough (like, a dozen blocks or so), you’ll even find a park with a waterfall and suspension bridge and ducks that you’re not supposed to feed. After three days inside an airport and hotel, I was grateful for the chance to spend a little time in the beautiful weather, peeking in store windows and sitting next to a river rushing over rocks and between buildings.

It also killed my feet to walk that far in not-so-supportive shoes. So when we walked by an ice cream shop a second time on the way back to the hotel, I was all for stopping in for a scoop. And a waffle bowl.

As Dawn and I sat and ate our ice cream, we admired the giant, colorful paintings on the wall. Each one was a portrait of a celebrity, and we were facing one of Alfred Hitchcock.

The conversation that came next was predictable. To me. Because it happens all the time.

Dawn started listing her favorite Hitchcock movies.
I admitted I haven’t seen a single one.
She was shocked and dismayed.

Odds are good that if you told me your favorite movies, I won’t have seen them either. I do like movies. I do! And I’ve seen lots of them. Just…not that one. Or…that one. Nope, not that one either. I KNOW! Ev.er.y.one. has seen THAT ONE. Everyone but me.

My best friend is constantly gasping – in shock? outrage? horror? I DON’T EVEN KNOW – at my lack of movie knowledge. She loves movies. She’s seen a lot of them. And, like I’ve told her so many times, she should really just start a list of the movies I need to watch because HOW COULD I HAVE LIVED THIS LONG WITHOUT WATCHING IT?

I looked up a bunch of articles about the movies one must watch…before you go to college, turn 25, turn 30, turn 40, or die. I looked at serious movie sites like AMC.com and popular sites like Lifehack, HelloGiggles, Buzzfeed and Thought Catalog and also some sites I’d never heard of. For good measure, you know.

It doesn’t matter which list I read. With the exception of “10 Chick Flicks to Watch Before You Die,” every list made it clear I have not seen the most popular or best or everyone’s favorite movies.

But, you know what? I’m okay with that.

Does it seriously crimp my pop culture referring style if I admit I haven’t seen Goonies or Shawshank Redemption or Pulp Fiction? Maybe. Do I get tired of being looked at like I must have been trapped in an underground bunker, Kimmy Schmidt-style, to have missed Swingers and The Usual Suspects and Stand By Me? Of course. And maybe my entertainment street cred is at risk if I confess that I also haven’t seen a single Godfather movie or Annie Hall or The Big Lebowski. I think I’ll survive.

Really, even though it’s a tad embarrassing, I’m not actually sorry that I haven’t seen your favorite movie. I’m not sure why I have this gap in my cultural knowledge, and I promise I can quote Dirty Dancing and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Rain Man with the best of them. But, FINE, if you want, we COULD start that list of movies I really DO need to see one of these days.

Let’s make a list! What movies should be on my must-watch-someday list?

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This post is part of the 31 Days Writing Challenge. To read all the posts in this series, click here. And to learn more about this challenge or to find more series to read, visit Write31Days.com. Apple photos courtesy of my brother, James.


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Mary Carver
I'm Not Sorry I Haven't Seen Your Favorite Movie | a #write31days by givinguponperfect.com
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