How to Make a Pregnancy Survival Kit |

About a year ago I ran across a great post on Marie’s blog. She wrote about how she’d made a First Trimester Survival Kit for a friend, and I was SO BUMMED. Not because I needed one (nope, not me!), but because I had just visited a pregnant friend and would have totally made her one. If only I’d had the idea. But I didn’t.

[Unrelated side note: Adrienne is a real parrot these days, repeating Every. Single. Thing. we say, including calling night-time, “totally dark.” She even says it with the right Valley girl inflection, and it is HIGH-LARIOUS. So now, every time I say (or write) the word, “totally,” I remember that I am certainly the one my toddler is mimicking and I hear it in her silly voice. I was pretty sure you wanted to know that.]


When another friend told me she was pregnant just a few weeks after I read about the survival kit, I was so excited. I mean, yes, obviously I was excited for her to welcome another baby to her family. But, also, I was excited to use Marie’s brilliant gift idea!

How to Make a Pregnancy Survival Kit |

I had so much fun putting this kit together. I read through Marie’s suggestions and then thought back to my recent pregnancy. I remembered the issues I’d had and the things I’d needed – and the chocolate I’d wanted.

Then I wondered if this gift basket was too personal. I mean, is it weird to buy stool softener for someone? Where’s the line? Was I crossing it? Nah. I decided that laxatives were okay; hemorrhoid cream was not. [Totally related side note: I can’t wait to see the Google traffic this combination of words brings me! Heh.]

In the end, I went with a mix of helpful and fun, personal and less-personal, practical and chocolate. I can’t say for sure if my friend loved the gift as much as I loved giving it, but she was definitely appreciative when I gave it to her.

(And, seriously, if someone had given me something similar during my pregnancies, I would have gone a little crazy over its awesomeness. Yes, I would have.)

How to Make a Pregnancy Survival Kit |

To get you started on your own Pregnancy Survival Kit, here’s what I included:

  • Chocolate. Obviously. I used Dove dark chocolate pumpkins. (It was October. Obviously.)
  • Dramamine. For the nausea.
  • Kleenex. For the crying. Oh, hormones, you’re the worst. I can’t wait to get up close and personal again during menopause.
  • Breath mints. In case the Dramamine didn’t work.
  • Stool softener. In case the bowels don’t work. (Hate me. I couldn’t resist.)
  • Tums. For the heartburn.
  • Mouthwash. For the morning, afternoon, all-day sickness (and in case the Tums don’t work).
  • Hand sanitizer. For the germs. They’re everywhere! (Am I the only one who got a little germaphobic during pregnancy??)
  • Lip balm. For the chapped lips, from the crying or the mouth-breathing or the allergies or WHATEVER, sometimes a lady wants to have soft lips.
  • Notebook. Because WHERE DID MY BRAIN GO I SWEAR I USED TO BE SMART is a real condition.

I crammed all those things into a little box from the Dollar Spot at Target, but you could also get creative and use a baby-related item or cute basket. Because maybe a black Halloween box isn’t your first thought when you think “pregnancy” or “baby.” So, don’t be like me, and find something pastel or practical (or, even better, both).

As long as it holds plenty of chocolate, though, I think you’ll be just fine.

What’s the best gift you’ve given recently?


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Mary Carver
How to Make a Pregnancy Survival Kit |
How to Make a Pregnancy Survival Kit |
How to Make a Pregnancy Survival Kit |
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