I’ve seen four movies in the past few weeks, and I thought I’d share some random thoughts about them.

Fool’s Gold – It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. How’s that for faint praise? Seriously, I wasn’t excited about seeing this movie, but I couldn’t find anything else to rent that night. And hey, I liked Kate Hudson and Matthew McCaughney’s other movie (I’ll admit, I’ve seen it more times than I can count – but can you blame me? It’s cute, they’re cute, and it’s on TV all the time!). So I rented the dumb movie about pretty people. And it turns out, I liked it, too. It’s about treasure hunting – and I like treasure hunting movies. I also saw National Treasure 2 a while back, and liked it, too. (No, I’m not obsessed with treasure. I just like the history and mystery of it!)

Definitely, Maybe – This movie (like at least three of these flicks) didn’t get great reviews. But I thought it was good. It was definitely a girl movie – all about romance. But I liked the way it realistically portratyed a young man being disillusioned by his career. I feel like that’s happened to me – not because of lying politicians, like in the movie – but because of unmet expectations with the “real” world. The main character graduates college wanting to be president. He goes on to work for the Clinton campaign and then grow depressed years later as the Clinton scandal(s) break around the same time his love life tanks. I just thought it was refreshing to something more realistic than the typical young person has corner office and wild success even though he or she just got out of school.

Indiana Jones the 4th – My husband, my brother, my sister-in-law and I went to see this over the weekend. I didn’t have huge expectations, but I did want to see it in the theater. I don’t see a lot of movies in the theater (too expensive!), but I thought this one warranted it. And, we went in the morning so it was just $5 a person! Anyway – we grew up watching the original Indiana Jones movies with our parents. This is probably where my love of movie treasure hunters comes from. (For the record, I also enjoy Michael Douglas and Noah Wyle in this same role.) So, based on the many times we’d laughed so hard watching Harrison Ford and Sean Connery, my brother and I were really looking forward to this movie. So were the spouses, of course, but I kind of think we were the most excited. I had read a lot of reviews, as I tend to do. I’m pretty sure the other three had not. Because they were pretty disappointed by the movie. I thought it was good – the typical Indiana Jones stuff and the Shia LaBeouf character were hilarious to me. And my thought is that even though I don’t doubt the reality of religious artifacts like the ark of the covenant and the Holy Grail, some people might find them as probable as aliens. So I don’t think anything Indiana Jones could throw at us, any explanation for a crystal skull or any other mysterious relic, could be too crazy for me. After all, it’s just a movie. About treasure. Right?

Vantage Point – I saw this movie last night and re-read a review this morning. I wasn’t surprised to see a 1-star review and a 2-star review. It wasn’t great. But how about these harsh words: ‘There’s no point to any of this. No insights on terrorism, no commentary about foreign policy, no human drama. ‘Vantage Point’ is a rotten action flick dressed up in artifice and pretension.” Ouch! I did think this movie might have more substance. I don’t need some big political statement…and I didn’t get it. Or any statement, really. I thought the idea behind the movie – watching an event from several different viewpoints – was interesting. But I have to admit, it got old. And the ending was kind of satisfying. I guess. It wasn’t what I suspected, that’s for sure, but an unexpected ending isn’t always a good thing!

So, in summary, none of these movies was terrible. Fool’s Gold was better than I expected, and Vantage Point was worse than I expected. Indiana Jones was about what I thought it would be, and Definitely Maybe was a pleasant surprise. There you have it.


What should you watch next?


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Mary Carver
Mary Carver
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