As I have mentioned before, I really enjoy the TV show, How I Met Your Mother. (Although, I just searched my site for mentions and realize that I mistakenly left it off my list of TV shows I love!) For me, it’s a show that makes me feel like I’m watching a bunch of my friends. Like Ed, another one of my favorite (though no longer on air) shows, HIMYM has characters that seem real to me. Not that I think they are real (I may love TV, but I haven’t truly lost my grip on reality!), but if they were real people, they would be the kind of people I’d want as my friends.
So it should come as no surprise to me that some of the phrases used on HIMYM have started to creep into my own vocabulary. After all, when Ed was on the air, my husband and I started pronouncing lettuce “leh-TOOS,” thanks to a running gag on that show. And even today, we’ll say it, primarily during otherwise boring grocery store trips.
It turns out that I’m not the only person to adopt television phrases, specifically ones from HIMYM, as my own. This article lists the phrases the show has introduced to us, including “Legendary,” “slap bet,” and “Suit up!”
Are there phrases you use that originated with a TV show or movie? I’m sure there are tons – share your favorites!
hi photo! :)
i think i have alot of them. though many of them i probably quote only to hobbitsister cuz she’s the only one who would know what i’m talking about.
the first one that comes to mind (because i use it ALL the time) is d’oh! (from the simpsons:)
i also use a lot of quotes from ‘clueless,’ but that’s not a TV show (for instance, “I’m actually getting.. tired..”;)
It’s okay, chelley, Clueless counts. :)
Hi melilot!
This is just getting silly.
We loved Ed too. We refer to the Mac guy as Warren Cheswick and call people Bosco all the time. Lettoos was a classic.
We quote a lot of The Office. And we do leave it on CSI:Miami for 5 minutes, to get the awesome rock scream by The Who and to do imitations of David Caruso and his sideways glance.
Amy – seriously? It’s like I’m the Amy Wright of Missouri. Or something.
I love the Mac commercials with Warren! Whenever people talk about him being smug or annoying, I’m always so shocked! (Then again, I also don’t mind Mac computers, so I might be doubly biased.)
Ha! We can’t watch CSI:Miami together in our house, because I make too much fun of it and annoy the husband. :)
i think mel and i picked up a lot of ‘friends’ ones, many that we didn’t even realize came from the show. like “that is SO not (whatever)”, which is very chandler, or “I KNOW!!!!” in a monica-like way. there’s a ross one, too, that i thought of recently, but now i’m drawing a blank – didder?
hm…i’ll have to think
the office does have alot of good quotes