Unlike some of my readers and friends, I haven’t been able to stomach the new 90210. But I have caught most the episodes of Privileged and for the most part, like it. I watched at first because it stars the girl from Reba, a show I loved. And okay, because it was compared to my beloved Gilmore Girls. (You can watch it tonight at 8pm CST on the CW. If you like that sort of thing.)
Jessica Stroup from 90210
Ashley Newbrough from Privileged
Kinda sorta? Well, you tell me – what new TV shows are you liking this fall? Also, does anyone else have a darned hard time spelling “privileged”?
You are too funny with all of this! Tell me, does the blonde in that picture play the daughter of Aunt Becky (Lori something or other from Full House)? I’ve seen the show only once, so I don’t remember who belongs to whom. If she’s not, they should cast her that way, because that’s the resemblance I see!
Oh wait, I jumped to the conclusion that the picture was from 90210. I may be totally off. All those shows run together for me, although I loved Reba too (still do!).
I agree with amber… you are too funny! As far as the comparison, I didn’t really think they looked that much alike, but they do both have pretty blue eyes.
Kind of embarrassed to admit that I also used to like watching Reba. But the thing that made it funny to me was the tall blonde gal who was married to Reba’s ex. She cracked me up.
Gilmore Girls was definitely a favorite. They need to begin a new season of that, don’tcha think?
i can see it. oh, and i saw toby from the office the other day.
I seem to be the only person I know who watches The Unit. anyone? anyone?
I can’t watch the new 90210 because I am so decidedly loyal to the old 90210. The ORIGINAL 90210.
In other news: The word I will get to type in to verify my comment is “spritice” which, if it isn’t a real word, it should be.
I see similarities in the pictures you posted, but on the shows (yes, I've seen at least partial episodes of both shows) they don't look much alike. The girl on 90210 is a twig, & the other girl is bigger (I'm not saying fat! Just taller/bigger — kind of like a 'Sally' on 'Third Rock from the Sun.' Amber, you are right about that girl playing Lori Loughlin's daughter on 90210. Pretty good casting! :)
It does sound like a real word! I usually get combinations that look nothing like real words. (OK, now that I say that, I’m getting “nucches,” which might pass as a word — but not as good as yours.;)
The original ‘90210’ was so much better than this one (based on the little of it I’ve seen;). And I’ve never seen ‘The Unit,’ but doesn’t it have the guy from the State Farm commercials in it? :)
Sorry to keep commenting, but I forgot to say that I also have a problem spelling that word, Photo (which is why I avoided it just now;).
Amber – you’re so right about that girl’s resemblance to Aunt Becky! I thought that in the episode I watched (and yes, she plays her daughter).
Brenda – I have to admit, as much as I LOVED GG, I was ready for it to be over by the time it went off the air.
Oh, Mel – I miss Toby! :)
Amy – I don’t watch The Unit. Not sure why, because it’s totally the kind of show I would like! Maybe I’ll have to add it to my “watch on DVD someday” list.
Chelley – I think a lot of people say the original 90210 was better.
i’m pretty sure “spritice” is another word for a portico.
and “nucches” are a the little egg-type macarcca things.
and “scuscini” is a mafia name. not that i know any mafia names. please don’t come get me if you’re mafia. i know nothing.
Wow, Mel, I do NOT want to play Balderdash with you!
I love Gilmore Girls! Although, yes, it was time for it to go- maybe one more season had the origional creators stayed, but the last season wasn’t the same and so it was definitely time!
We’re really into Numbers -insert sad geeky smile here! It’s not too violent and the characters are fun and quirky and Josh loves to tell me how the computer and math stuff is very far-fetched. (not that the math stuff couldn’t work, more the explanations that are so readily available and the computers that can just pull things up so quickly and in such a flashy manner! :) )
and Jon Stewart.
and So You Think You can Dance
and lot and lots of news- except that I’m getting really sick of American news- can they talk about anything else by the election! Good grief!
Oh, So You Think You Can Dance – the BEST show EVER! :)
lol, mel :D