Annalyn loves music. She likes to sing along (kind of) and she loves to dance. She’ll dance in the living room, in the grocery store, in the car – really, anywhere she can hear music. It’s hilarious.
For Christmas, I was excited to give her a CD called Songs Kids Love to Sing: 25 Sunday School Songs. It really is a great CD that is teaching her classics like This Little Light of Mine and Jesus Loves the Little Children.
But there’s one song out of those 25 that really bugs me. So much so, in fact, that I skip it any time we play the CD. Here are the lyrics:
My mommy told me something
A little kid should know
And it’s all about the devil and
I’ve learned to hate him so
She says he causes trouble
If you let him in your room
And he’ll never ever leave you
If your heart is filled with gloom
So let the sun shine in
Face it with a grin
Smilers never lose
And frowners never win
So let the sun shine in
Face it with a grin
Open up your heart
And let the sun shine in
Seriously? Am I the only one who’s a little disturbed by this song?
Granted, I am aware that Annalyn is not really learning these words and keeping them in her heart forever. But someday she will.
And it’s not like I’m counting on this CD – or any CD or DVD or even book – to teach my daughter about the love of God and to instill doctrine in her mind and faith in her heart.
But still. I am not okay with a song telling my child that the devil will “never ever leave you if your heart is filled with gloom.” I mean, I guess that’s one way to make your kid to cheer up. Why bother with the typical “Turn that frown upside down!” when you can put the fear of the devil in her?
Also, “Smilers never lose and frowners never win”? I don’t think so.
This song just bugs me. So we won’t be listening to it at our house (or in our car on the way home from the babysitter’s house when Annalyn’s having a meltdown because I took her away from her friends, she’s hungry, she’s tired and oh yeah, she hates riding in the car these days).
On the other hand – and in the interest of full disclosure – I should admit here that I was surprised when the CD plays a version of I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down in My Heart without the verse that I learned in Sunday school.
You know that verse, right? The one that says, “If the devil doesn’t like it, he can sit on a tack. (Ouch!)”
Or was that just my Sunday school class?
I’ve sung both of those songs and I liked the sunshine song when I was little, but listening to it as a mom I was struck with how black and white it makes salvation appear. As if unhappy people lose their salvation. I think it is generally not a good idea to tell children that they have to be happy all the time. I mean, I’m not, so why would I expect them to be? After all, even Jesus wept.
Yes, that devil one is scary!
We have some really cool CDs that are scripture set to great music – it’s the “Seeds” collection – Seeds of Praise, Seeds of Worship, etc. Look for them! They’re a very refreshing alternative to the Christian kiddie standards…
Okay, not to be controversial here, but isn’t it healthy to be scared of the Devil? He definitely causes trouble if you let him in on your thoughts or actions (the “room” in your mind). I don’t think it’s any mistake that the most common command in the Bible is to Rejoice….I think God knows that gloom and despair are the Devil’s footholds. If we are believing his lies of gloom and despair, we are refusing to face the truth and joy of God’s Salvation. I think many times it is simply a choice to rejoice or to “let the son shine in”.
(Can you tell I loved this song as a kid? I can still hear my mother singing it to me. She has, by the way, an almost uncanny ability to rejoice in almost any circumstance)
I do remember both of those songs and that first one is a little freaky! Kids already have fears about things hiding under their beds, and now they have to be scared of the devil coming in their room?
i’ve never heard either of those songs. holy scariness on the first one! i wouldn’t listen to it either.
i’ve tought samantha about satan, but i don’t think i’d want to teach her a song about him…
hey, i have bloggy awards for you on my blog. :-)
Oh yeah…we sang the “sit on a tack” verse as well. It was our favorite since we could jump up and screech “OUCH!!” at the top of our lungs. :)
That is disturbing…never heard that song before! We did “sit on a tack” as well and its not on any of our cds either…
I agree they need to have the “right attitude”, but you can use Bible verses to teach that. (We use Phil. 2:5 for that one…). No need to “scare” them into behaving. That song is actually contrary to scripture because Scripture tells you that the Devil will not have any hold on you once Christ is in your heart. He will still attack as much as he can, but he won’t be “with” you. Christ is stronger.
Amy, I’ll have to check those out – thanks!
Oh, Triple, you are so controversial. :) I think rejoicing can absolutely be a choice. But I still think this song is creepy!
Just popping up to comment=D
Not a fan of the devil song. Kind of extreme. But then again we also sang the “sit on a tack” verse at both my Catholic church school and my Baptist AWANA sooo…who knows.
Thanks for popping up, MT! :)