A few months ago, I went to Nashville for a little conference called Blissdom. And if you’ll recall, one of my biggest regrets from that weekend was my lack of business cards. Because I was the only one who didn’t have them! (Or at least it felt that way.)

So I vowed to get around to printing some cards before attending another conference. And then promptly forgot about it.

Until I posted on Facebook that I was going to another conference this weekend, and a couple friends were kind enough to say, “Hello! Do you have business cards this time?”

Oh yeah. Those things.

So, I’ve got to rustle up some bloggy business cards, and fast. Because I’m going to Chicks Who Click on Saturday.

It turns out that there’s a real-live blogging conference here in Kansas City. And thanks to the wild world of Twitter, I’m going free of charge! Thanks, @zenaweist and @Deetells!

This one-day conference is going to teach me how to be organized, how to customize my “social toolbox,” how to find that line between transparency and privacy, and oh, so much more.

So, my question for you is this: If you could attend one conference – blogging or otherwise – what would it be? And why?


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Mary Carver
Mary Carver
Fast Talk & Faith
Choose Joy
Sponsor a Child in Jesus Name with Compassion
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