And so it begins. Along with tornadoes, April showers also bring May sweeps and season finales. And after spending a day focusing on my own personal “It’s a twister!” moment, I think we’re due for something a little more lighthearted.
Unfortunately, none of this week’s season finales cooperated. Enjoy.
SPOILER ALERT: Stop here if you have not watched these shows yet. Because I will ruin them for you.

The finale wasn’t too dramatic. After all, we’ve only had a handful of episodes to get to know the characters and the premise. But they did manage to solve a crime, injure a semi-main character and leave us with a cliffhanger. As finales go, not bad.
Grey’s Anatomy: Oh, Shonda, why do you do this to me? The drama. The intensity. The emotion. The tears. Oh, the tears.
First, the good stuff. McSteamy acting like a girl = hilarious. Arizona explaining exactly why George enlisting is “awesome” = moving. Bailey breaking down when she tells the Chief why she can’t take the peds fellowship = devastating. Christina cracking a smile and pushing out those three little words = beautiful. Justin Chambers’ acting and character development = fantastic. Derek and Meredith’s non-wedding wedding = perfect.
The bad stuff, though . . . that’s what’s going to stick with me. That ending, with Izzie and George’s lives hanging in the balance – it might be enough to do me in. As in, finally force me to walk away from this show. I didn’t think I could take any more after Denny died. It was just too much sadness on a Thursday night. But I stuck with them. And then Denny came back and, against my good sense, I stuck with this show anyway. And then . . . then! It got good again. But if they lose two main characters to tragedy like this, I’m just not sure my heart will still be in it. Or, maybe what I mean to say is that I’m not sure my heart can handle it.
And that’s all I have to say about that.
Next week: How I Met Your Mother, NCIS, American Idol. And I still have to catch up on The Office.
How’s your season finale season going?
I don’t watch much, but I’m looking forward to the HIMYM finale this week! Am very worried they won’t bring it back next season.
My DH thinks I’m ridiculous because I hate Stella. Always did. This past week just proved–she’s evil!
I tried to watch The Big Bang Theory’s finale, but I was at my mom’s and so were several other people and she had old pictures of them she had uncovered in her basement, so we were pretty distracted. And that’s the one show not available online. :(
(spoiler alert!) Hmm… I don’t think I remember why Stella is evil. Maybe I didn’t see that episode either — that might’ve been when I was driving back home or something. I was surprised that they got back together though; I was pretty over her too (and never super excited about her anyway), but I actually kind of liked it too b/c it wasn’t perfect. :)
(Sorry, Mary; I didn’t actually watch any of the shows you reviewed this week, so I didn’t want to read the reviews just in case I watch them someday;)
I watched the first season or two of Grey’s and then lost interest, along with LOST.
I’m very sad to say that Survivor’s finale is this Sunday. *sniff* I’ll miss it. And I hope J.T. wins!
Amazing Race is over and my fave team won.
Celebrity Apprentice was over last week and I’m glad Joan won, but I was disappointed when Jesse James was fired. He was my fave.
As you can tell I’m a reality show watcher. Although, I love The Office.
Grey’s was very perplexing but probably one of the most emotionally charged shows they have had in at least 2 seasons. I am glad that Izzy isn’t a whiny wench any longer and I think that she will stay now, but George is probably a gonner which will be a dramatic story line for so many…however I think that Little Grey will pull into the new season well and there will be an introduction of the new interns so maybe there is some hope there. Stick with it…
you captured Grey’s so perfectly.
I don’t watch t.v., but I do enjoy reading your views on it;) Makes it seem like I’m missing out on a lot, though!
VW – I’m not a big fan of Stella, either. I liked her okay at the beginning, but the writers made it pretty clear we weren’t supposed to root for her!
Chelley – Sorry you missed BBT. It was a good one. But I’m sure they’ll play it as a rerun!
Brenda – you do watch more reality shows than I do. Do you watch So You Think YOu Can Dance? That’s my favorite!
Melanie, I might stick with it. But I still agree with Alece – UGH.
Busy – I’m quite sure you are better off not watching so much TV! :)
I know why you watch Castle. It’s the same reason why Castle’s main demo is like 18-40 year old WOMEN. Or, at least, that’s why I’m happy to stumble upon it.
I feel compelled to tell you, as part of this TV post, that a guy I went to middle and high school with will be making his debut on The Bachelorette tonight. Because, that’s the surreal life I seem to live. My friends and I don’t watch tv. We LIVE it. :)
I have watched So You Think You Can Dance, but not regularly.
How exciting that Amy knows a guy that will be on The Bachelorette tonight. Wish I knew who, since I’ll be watching.
Bones finale may have been a bit bizarre, but I’m quite happy it was signed on for the next two (2!) seasons.