HonorMommy tagged me quite a while ago to pick a pic at (somewhat) random to share. So, in an attempt to be a little less wordy than normal, here’s the seventh photo from my seventh folder on my laptop:
You can see that Annalyn is grinning, but what you can’t see is that she’s grinning at her dad, standing outside the window. Here are a few more I like from that “photo shoot”:
P.S. Taking pictures near our back windows in natural light works for me!
awww…. i love her smile! that's such a cute picture! and i'm diggin' the bow in her hair! FABULOUS Annalyn!
oh, and what's with the time on your posts being 5am?!
Erin – I schedule them ahead of time. That way, even the early birds on the East Coast can get their fix of me first thing in the morning.
Because you know, I am sure many East Coast early birds were just DYING for that to happen! :)
very cute…and very good lighting!
How cute! I just found your blog from We Are THAT Family's work for me Wednesday list.
From one 'less than perfect Mary' (It's spelled Merrie but pronounced Mary) to another- nice to meet you!
I love that you don't just take a picture but have "photo shoots." :))
Awesome pictures! I can't get mine to be still long enough for a really good pic!
i think she's a keeper Mary!