Travel to Europe.
Learn to dive.
Sing professionally.
Have a Martha Stewart home.
Write a book.
Wear a Wonderbra.
I’m a big list-maker. I love me a good list. Sometimes, when I’m feeling overwhelmed, just the act of writing everything I need to do on a list relieves my stress. Seeing my life in words – accompanied by bullets, glorious bullets – is enough for me.
So it’s no surprise that, back in high school, I made a list of the things I’d like to accomplish in my life. In case you’re wondering, the lofty goals above are just a few of the items I have not yet accomplished.
What’s funny about this list – and for the record, I actually have two, one dated 1996 and another I believe was written a couple years later – is that I can look at the things I wrote down and acknowledge just how ridiculous some of them are.
But that doesn’t stop me from still wanting to do them or expecting myself to accomplish them.
Learn to dance, travel to New York City, earn a doctorate degree, solve a mystery. These are things I still think I could – and perhaps should – do. (Yes, solve a mystery. After reading and watching, literally, hundreds of suspense novels and cop/detective shows, a small – delusional – part of me believes I could do it. I mean, really, with the help of a good crime lab, who couldn’t?)
I know. It’s ridiculous. But it’s who I am.
And it’s who I’m not. At least for now. When I look at those lists, or even my 2009 Goals (also known as resolutions, but I call them goals because “resolutions” is so cliché), I see the person I want to be, the life I want to live. I see potential and possibility.
When I look in the mirror, though, I don’t always see that potential. And it’s those times that I have to remind myself that God’s not finished with me yet.
I may have gone to my class reunion overweight and still reeling from the news that I would soon be losing my job. I may have started a family before finishing my master’s degree and establishing a career, any career. And I may have a layer of dust insulating my entire house, the tiny house that is not as nice or new as any of my friends’.
But I’m still here. I’m still breathing. And God’s still working out His plan for me.
Because I am a work in progress.
“He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6)
Originally posted on March 26, 2009, at InProgress.
This is something I’ve learned – and have to keep learning! For more lessons learned, visit Musings of a Housewife.
I am a first time visitor to Giving Up On Perfect. We could all learn a thing or two from your list. Oh, and I too, have a love for lists ;)
I feel the same way about lists. I look at it as having thoughts swimming around in my head, not synchronized swimming, more like drowning in a whirl pool. I feel like if I can write it down it gets things out and when I get to check stuff off it is like "wow, I actually did do something today, or this year, or with myself in general". Thanks for sharing I think everyone can relate to being a work in progress.
aren't you glad that what we do or do not own, our acomplishments,careers, our appearance and our to-do lists matter nothing to Jesus?
He simply calls us to sit at HIS feet just the way we are and to define ourselves in HIM.
Great post Mary!
Super post.
I am probably not doing many of the things I thought I would be doing.
Never imagined I would be a sahm of 3 starting to sell bracelets, who loves to take photos and blog!
I know I am where God wants me to be right now, and and so thankful for that,
I'm a list maker too but sometimes I think if I didn't make a list then I couldn't see what I'm NOT getting done! LOL.
And I agree, that the Lord isn't finished with us yet!
Beautiful post, Mary — so well said.
And I find for myself, that sometimes making a list overwhelmes me. I know. We're all different — which is how God made us! :)
And I need to write "God isn't finished with ME yet!" — and post it on my fridge. It'd be a good reminder when life or circumstance gets you down. HE always has big things in store for us.
I sometimes make lists, too. But then I lose them. Never fails. Good thing God has His own list for me, huh? Because I clearly can't be trusted with one.
I too live for the lists! I wonder what God's list for me would look like? Quite probably NOTHING like what MY list looks like. Hmmm.