I’ve created a schedule for my fall TV viewing.

Not because I have a problem. Not because I watch way too much television. No way, Jose! I did this for you. Only for you, dear readers, would I research the premiere dates and place them into a spreadsheet. I would never do this for my own entertainment.


Okay, to be honest, I was really tempted to pick up a pen and write down when I plan to watch what show. But I know – I know how crazy that is. So I refrained.

But then I started thinking that maybe you all want to know what I’m planning to watch this fall. I don’t know why. But it’s possible.

And I really don’t want to let you down. So I have created a schedule. You can see it in all its row and column glory here. Or you can read all about my plans in this post. No clicking. No spreadsheets. Just words. About TV.

It’s important, what we have here, isn’t it?

I’m going to start with Monday. Mainly because I don’t watch TV on Sunday. Not live, anyway. (Please note: This is not because I’m all sorts of holy. This is because I don’t watch any shows that air on Sundays. Feel free now to sing the praises of Brothers & Sisters. I know. I hear it’s great. I just don’t watch it.)

On Mondays, I will watch How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory and Castle. Until NBC finally comes to its senses and Chuck returns. Then I will also watch Chuck. HIMYM is a must, as is Chuck (do I have to explain that?). BBT is only if I have time, while Castle is one that I’ll record if I don’t have time.

Sidebar: If you’re just now tuning in (get it – the TV humor?), you should note that I watch my television programs old school. As in, on a low-def TV. Sometimes with a VCR. It pains my husband to no end that we don’t have a fancy-schmancy TV. Such is life. Or something.

Back to our regular programming now. (No, I will not stop with the punny-pun-puns. I can’t. I can’t stop.)

On Tuesdays, I have quite the dilemma. And I blame the networks.

See, those networks, they just can’t get enough of a good thing. And they know – oh, they know that I can’t either. So FOX decided to bring So You Think You Can Dance into the fall schedule, and CBS decided to make a franchise out of NCIS.

I can’t really protest. I mean, what am I going to do – not watch?

My plan is to tape NCIS: The Original and NCIS: Los Angeles and watch them later. That way, I can watch SYTYCD live.

Wednesdays are pretty straightforward. Glee is the only show I’ll definitely watch. Depending on my own schedule (yes, Virginia, there is life outside of TV), I might watch the SYTYCD results show. Or I might not. Also, I’ve read good things about ABC’s new show, Modern Family, so I’ll probably check that out online.

Don’t even ask me when. I have no idea.

Thursdays are complicated, and for this, I blame the church. I’m kidding! I kid; I’m a kidder. But seriously, I have choir practice on Thursday nights, so I have to be real strategic-like about my TV viewing. Throwing another wrench into this mess is the fact that I’m just not sure I can handle another season of Grey’s Anatomy.

So, my plan is now to tape Bones and watch it after choir. I’ll watch The Office and Community (a new show starring Chevy Chase and Joel McHale from E’s The Soup. Seriously.) online. Sometime. Later.

And I just don’t know about Grey’s. I just don’t.

Fridays are a VCR night. I originally planned to watch two hours of (recorded) NCIS here, but then I realized two things. First, I’ll need to tape Psych (and White Collar, when it takes over that time slot). Second, Smitty comes over to hang out on a lot of Fridays. And while I do blame her mother for my love of NCIS, Smitty may not actually want to spend her Friday watching my favorite Navy procedural.

I don’t know what I’m going to do about NCIS. It is a problem.

And that’s it. Although saying “that’s it” seems to imply that “it” isn’t a lot. And I think we can all agree that is A Lot.

So – what shows are you watching this fall?

If you need help deciding, you can check out a full schedule at TVGuide.com, and you can watch previews for all your options on YouTube.

And to state the obvious, this post illustrates my love of the television and will, therefore, be linked to Things I Love Thursday.


What should you watch next?


Every month, we are bombarded with new TV series and movies—and it can be overwhelming to figure out what to watch! (I know, I know, what a problem to have!) I'm here to help. My monthly Watch Guides list out all the returning series, new series, and new movies, along with premiere dates and where to watch them. Plus, I tell you my personal picks for the month to help you narrow it all down.

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