We bought my car, an Oldsmobile Alero, six years ago. It has been clear to us that it’s not the best car ever made in these 50 states for about five years. Mark has hated it for approximately five years. We paid it off just over one year ago.
Despite the rattling and whirring that occasionally popped up and the windshield wipers that only worked when they felt like it and the signal indicator that made its ticking noise even when the blasted blinker wasn’t on, it was a decent car.
And by “decent,” I mean that it got me from Point A to Point B. Every single time.
Until Saturday, that is. When a piece of metal lay (lie? laid? I don’t know.) in wait on the highway, jumping up to attack our gas tank at the most inopportune time.
Or opportune, depending on how you look at it. Because, after what seems like weeks but has only been a few days of dealing with insurance agents, rental car guys, insurance adjusters, used car salesmen and – worst of all – cranky spouses, Mark and I are now the proud owners of a new car.
The very car that we had looked at a month ago but decided we couldn’t afford. That’s our new car. Well, a new used car. A new-to-us car. A crossover, or as others might call it, an SUV-wannabe. Or, as my dad called it, a station wagon. No matter. It’s shiny and it’s big and it’s ours.
And I think it’s going to get better gas mileage than my sad, old Olds.
Here it is. Except, not. Because this isn’t the exact car we bought. I mean, it is. But ours doesn’t live in the mountains. It lives in the middle of the country. In a suburb. With all the other SUVs and crossovers.
I’m just getting to know it, but so far, I love my new (used) car. I’m thankful that, despite my hopes and dreams for my old car lasting just one more year, God provided for us and moved up our car-buying schedule.
I will try to be just as thankful when the first payment is due in December.
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YAY for new shiny cars!!!
(I've never been able to figure out the whole Lay/Lie/Laid thing either… Let me know if you do!)
That car's a beauty. Enjoy the shine and the smell and the pristine clean while it lasts!
In January it will two years since we bought our very first new car of our marriage! I'm still loving it, even though it came with our very first car payments ever. Enjoy your new ride!
YAY FOR NEW CARS!!!! (even though I'm sure it was more stress than you wanted)
WOW!!!! What a blessing that will be! Think of all the cheerios that will fit in between those big cooshy seats!!!
My Mom and Dad have a similar model, and we love riding in it. Great for road trips and hauling kid gear and things of the like.
I'm sorry about the Olds biting the dust, but I'm sure God has a reason for blessing you with this vehicle at this time. He usually does.
Take a long ride out in the country with your man and a sleeping baby girl in the back seat and fall in love again! (with each other AND the new ride!)
That's great. My husband calls my Toyota Highlander a glorified minivan.
Well, if it's anything like my crossover you'll LOVE it! I have a Rav4, and so far it's been a great car for our family. :)
Ours is blue too!
I'm so glad you didn't have to move out to the beautiful moutains to get that car :P.
I will lie/ lay down outside my house and wait for you to come pick me up and we can cruise around town! I would LOVE to smell a new car- even if used they put that new car smell in it. Mine currently smells like a mix of coffee, chic fil a, old fries and dirty diapers.
So, you're driving.
Yay! :) What kind of car is it? (I mean more specific than crossover/SUV;)
woohoo! happy for your new car!
my friend has the same one. she calls it "aunt fanny" because she's so wide!
Yea to you!! I love getting a "new" car.
no no no mary… it's not used, it's PREVIOUSLY OWNED! i love it when they say that on commercials…
anyway, congrats on the new vehicle!