I’m sure you’d never guess that this innocent little girl could make a sailor blush. If you guessed that she doesn’t do it on purpose, you’d be right. But the words that accidentally pop out of her toddler mouth? Well, they definitely make her mama blush!
What kind of crazy things does Annalyn say? Oh, let me tell you.
- Remember britches – said without an “r”?
- And then there’s truck and frog – which both somehow end up starting with “f” and rhyming with duck.
- Oh yes, don’t forget purse, which is a bag carried over the shoulder, not a bodily function like it sounds.
- The first naughty-but-not word she said was fridge. And so adamantly, shoving her sippy cup of milk toward me, strongly suggesting I put it in the refrigerator. Which would be fine (minus the requisite “please”), except that somehow fridge sounded very similar to britches without an “r.”
- And last but most certainly not least is Annalyn’s latest word: chilly. And in case you’re not fluent in toddler distortion of clean language, imagine Annalyn saying it over and over at the grocery store, making the innocent word rhyme with itty bitty.
Yep. My sweet little girl has quite a mouth. Crazy, right?
My friend Hillary is having a parade of crazy over at her blog, The Other Mama, today. If you’d like to share something crazy – old outfits, things that you found in your car, advice you’ve tried or meals you’ve cooked with strange ingredients found in the back of your pantry – link on up! Or, just head over there to read a little bit of crazy. Who doesn’t need some of that on a Wednesday?
boy am I (and the parents of the children in Ethan's Sunday School class) glad Ethan is finally over the mispronunciation of words! Praise God!
oh i love toddler language… ryan's word for sock, truck, stuck, book, etc. right now is "kuck." i'm just waiting for the day the k turns to an f!
if it makes you feel any better…the "f" sound is actually very advanced language for a girl her age!!!
Ah…memories of crazy toddler talk! When my youngest was 2, I started a company called Homemade Gourmet. My 2 year old charmer would tell everyone that his mommy worked for 'horemade gourmet'. Some how that marketing angle never made it to the catalog…were we crazy?? :)
hee hee hee
Woah, Tami started Homemade Gourmet? I love those products!
I hear you loud and clear, sister. You know we've had many conversations about the train unfortunatley named "Percy". I wish I could follow my kids around and translate, but who knows what comes out of their mouths at pre-school. Maybe that would explain a few "looks" I've gotten recently!!
Thanks so much for playing along, Mar!!
Thanks Amy! To this day I am constantly amazed when people I've never met know and love our product. I realize God has spread our mission far and wide…but I'm still always amazed. (ask HIllary!)
Aren't you glad it's homemade and not the alternative 2 year old version :) …I tried to link to your email via your post but it has a privacy setting. What's your favorite product? email me your answer and I'll send you dinner on me as a thank you! (email is in my signature link)
Anyone else that wants to try it…send me an email and I'll send you Amy's favorite mix too!
That is just hilarious, Mary. My kids said stuff like that too, but I never wrote them down. Sure wish I had! But you do a great job of describing them. :)
Okay, so I'll be careful how I tell this one…. You know those candies with the powdered sugar and the candy sticks you dip in it? I think they're called dip 'n sticks? Years ago, one of my boys (4 at the time) came up to my husband and I during a birthday party with one of those in his hand and announced, "I just love these dicker lickers!" We looked at each other and vowed we would never have that particular candy in our house again!!!
Over from Kristen's That Family Carnival…our toddlers must be related! My son (2) says truck and others rhyming words with an "f" sound! Cute stories! Glad we are all THAT family!