The first Monday of November, and what are two of our local radio stations playing? You guessed it: Christmas music.
I love the holidays. And I love festive music. But this starting earlier and earlier every year thing? Drives me up the wall.
Because now, even though I’ve finally gotten the presets figured out in my new car, I have even fewer stations to choose from. (My personal policy is to start listening to Christmas music not a day earlier than Thanksgiving. Because, really.)
Although, I’m not sure why I’m worried about it at all, considering the only way to keep Miss Annalyn from getting fussy in the car is by playing kids’ CDs. Constantly. Stopping to repeat on her favorite songs. Who needs a dozen local stations, when you’re just going to be playing “MY MOOZICK!” every afternoon anyway?
The mornings are mine, though. Mine to play whatever I want. And while sometimes that means silly chatter from the morning shows or peppy pop music to wake up my sleepy brain, more often than not it means one of the two contemporary Christian stations we have. For me, listening to uplifting – or, as they say, positive and encouraging – music gets me in a better mindset for heading into the office and facing my day.
I’ve tried to tell Mark he should do the same. Especially when he’s grumpy about this policy or that at work. Yes, he appreciates my helpful suggestions very much, thank you for asking.
Actually, he doesn’t. Because he doesn’t like a lot of contemporary Christian music. (Gasp!) He doesn’t have quite the same appreciation of overplayed, fluffy pop music that I do, though.
And that’s why – here’s the point, if you were looking for it – I’m excited about the latest CD from Kutless, It Is Well.
This CD came in the mail a couple weeks ago, and I have to admit: I was nervous to listen to it. See, I don’t own a lot of Christian CDs. Honestly, I am usually content to listen to whatever is playing on the radio – overplayed or over-poppy as it may be. And while I’d heard of Kutless, I wasn’t sure I knew specifically which songs are theirs.
I’m happy to tell you: This CD is great! And as soon as Mark gets home tonight, I’m putting it in his truck. Because it’s exactly the sound he likes – think Creed or Three Doors Down, maybe – but with better lyrics. (I wanted to say “a positive message,” but that sounds a little too afterschool special, I think.)
The band has taken several different types of worship songs – some old, some recent – and given each of them a Kutless spin. I love the way the CD starts off, with a high church choir singing, “It Is Well” and then the sound merging into the Kutless version. It’s hard to describe, but to me, it was a great way to introduce the album and announce, “Hey, we’re taking our favorite worship songs and making them ours.”
I’ve already put this CD into my iTunes, and I can tell you it’s going to be played heavily in our house (truck, office, etc.). If you like your rock to be encouraging – or if you like your Christian music to have some edge – check out It Is Well by Kutless.
And here’s a little bit about the album, from the band itself:
We began this worship project, It Is Well, by asking one question, “Can we do something unique?” There are many worship records; however, we were driven by the challenge to do something different, something Kutless. Although we’ve done a worship-oriented album (“Strong Tower”), we are in a different place right now and wanted this project to reflect our hearts.
From February through May 2009 we poured over hundreds of songs. We looked for songs that had a special meaning to us, songs that were traditional, songs that were modern, and songs we could make our own. As the list of songs started to form, we began arranging the songs to fit our style, after all, we are a rock band. This was a challenge in terms of how to take a hymn written in the late 1800s and make it sound like a Kutless song.
The recording process was unique for us for many reasons . . . We had one of those incredible experiences that happen to Christ-followers. We started with a goal, but, through the process, God took that goal and turned it back around to Himself. The quest for a special album became a unique time for us to go deeper in worship. The goal of composing original songs became a time for us to grow in our love and appreciation of each other. The epiphany for us was that the purpose of a worship record was to reflect who God is – His peace, freedom, power and ability to help us grow in relationship with Him and others. In the end, this “unique” experience happened to us in the making of It Is Well.
So, tell me: how do you like your Christian music? Or do you like it at all? I want to hear all your opinions. (Even if you happen to be my brother and want to tell us how choir music rocks.)
I received this CD from Overture Media but was given no other compensation for this review. And as always, this is my honest opinion. The Amazon links are affiliate links.
Sometimes I love it. Sometimes I hate it. Mostly, I stick with a healthy version of musical mixes, combined perfectly on my MP3. I love the messages of some Christian songs, but I often feel that they miss the mark. So I listen to what I want. Like Miss Angie, Leigh Nash, Nichole Nordeman, and some old DC Talk. (I still know every lyric to "Jesus Freak." Why yes! I do have on my nametag that says "Hello I am NERD!")
Downloaded It Is Well the day it came out….LOVE IT! 'Amazed' is one powerful song!!
I like this sound, but like Hillsong, MM, Third Day, Lauren Talley….yeah, a variety :-).
oh no! you need to get annalyn hooked on klove! ryan absolutely LOVES it!
i just heard them talking about this cd on klove today. i have one of their other cds and i love it…. i may have to get this one!
I completely agree with you on the Christmas music. I love Christmas music but please, not until the day after Thanksgiving!
I also agree on the Christian music thoughts. It's what I usually listen to, because it helps me keep the right mindset throughout the day. I do get tired of the same songs over and over though.
I wish your Kutless link had gone to one that played the song – I ended up finding it on youtube. I was a bit apprehensive, to be honest, because I love "It Is Well" and tend to not like it all 'rocked out'. I like my worship songs to be worshipful.
You know what? I love the Kutless version! It reminds me a bit of the Petra Praise CD that I wore out in college. :)
CCM and I have a very long and complicated history together. I am, at once, an afficionado and a harsh critic. I feel a bit like I have invested so much time and emotional energy into the world that is CCM that I have a bit of ownership, and like a coach, I am disgusted when my players produce garbage that for some reason gets air time on CCM stations but would never make it, ever, on "mainstream."
I know that's not where you were going with that. Sorry.
I heart David Crowder Band and Jars of Clay and am a card carrying Third Day groupie. :)
I'm sooooo excited that you love this album too!!! :)
(see my post about it here:
I am so absolutely loving it and cannot stop listening to it or playing it! They are one of my hubster's fav bands, but while I like them, I don't normally like entire albums of theirs. Let's face it, they are a rock band. They scream some lyrics. Gag me. This one, I just can't get enough of it. Love, love, love it!
My fav group is David Crowder Band and that's not going to change, but this album from Kutless is surprising and delighting me! :)
I'm giddy with excitement that you love it too!
Totally got your back on the Christmas music before Thanksgiving Mary! C'mon people! But when the time does come…watch out. My fav would have to be Transiberian Orchestra.
Ditto what Erin said about K-Love. You've got to convert Analynn. Katie & Owen love that station! Most mornings while I'm getting ready they are dancing to something on K-Love.
So many things to write. We could have a long convo on this one.
1st- best kids christian albums out there are by a band called Go Fish. Any of their albums are amazing.
2nd- Christmas music before Turkey day is just wrong. Agreed.
3rd- I listen to a Christian, funny syndicated talk show in the morning (Rick and Bubba- I know) and then smattered music throughout the day- sometimes the Christian station. Because it all kinda sounds the same sometimes. I run to Christian music, though, but it has to bring the fonk- Toby Mac, Group One Crew, Kirk Franklin (with Toby) some Barlow Girl, etc.
I forget what # I'm on- we saw Kutless in concert and thought all their songs would be like Strong Tower and they were NOT. Much edgier.
For the love of Peter- finally- Mark might like December Radio. Jason loves them.
The. End.
Ugh! You're right. I'm a snob. I'm not a fan of Christian pop music. I will say, working at a church, you are rather inundated with it, though. I do have a lot of Chris Rice and even a little Relient K.
I just don't like my music to be uplifting or have a good message, I guess. I do have to agree with Hillary @ The Other Mama and say that Go Fish is pretty good. I've used that with the preschoolers all the way up to the 6th graders, but I will say, once they hit that 7th grade mark you better switch to the Relient K or you'll be made fun of.
Speaking of Christmas music and choral music, I was just…and I mean JUST…listening to some of the music that my choir is doing for the Festival of Lessons and Carols…December 11 & 12 at 7:00 p.m. Yep, that's right. I did a little plug for myself.
I can say, with some honesty that it doesn't get better to me listening to Chanticleer or the Mormon Tabernacle Choir or the Cambrige Singers making some of the most beautiful, archaic, and soul-piercing music.
I've been telling my choir that music…the actually white sheets with black lines and dots…isn't living. They have to make it live and breathe. Listening to such genious musicians like the choirs mentioned above make music live is irreplaceable.
So, no, for me, I can't say I get into the Christian pop scene, but I will say that Christmas music is uplifting and good any time of the year (especially since I've been working on it since June).
Im really looking forward to the greatest hits of the year and the best songs list that they put out in December. I really like the Wow Hits albums and this years has a great selection of the best songs of the year. Check it out @