Broken cookies.
Dry turkey.
Sold-out stores.
Thoughtless gifts.
The flu.
A blizzard.
Family, ahem, issues.

The list of things that can possibly ruin the holidays is long. But you know what? None of these things has to ruin anything. We can choose to enjoy ourselves and find meaning in the holidays, no matter how imperfect they are.

Not that I’m saying I’m good at this. After all, if I was an expert or something, I’d have to call my blog “Gave Up on Perfect.” Am I right, or am I right?

So, will you join me in giving up on a perfect Christmas this year? And while we’re at it, let’s share our best beautifully imperfect Christmas stories.

For me, one of my favorite not-so-perfect Christmas memories is from my elementary years. I’m not sure exactly how old I was, but I know I had started taking piano lessons, and I was in Camp Fire. Because while a bright blue polyester Camp Fire uniform wasn’t terribly exciting, I was really bummed to open a box and see . . . a pacemaker.

Now, this pacemaker was actually a metronome (Pacemaker was the brand name), but this happened the Christmas after my granddad had gotten an actual pacemaker. In his heart.

It was just a little weird.

What’s your story? Write a post about how you’ve given up on a perfect Christmas, and link up below. And don’t forget to enter to win this beautiful Lisa Leonard necklace.

How do you do that? It’s easier than wrapping all your gifts in coordinating paper. You get one entry for each of the following:

  • Leave a comment telling me about your imperfect Christmas plans or your funniest/craziest/most imperfect Christmas memory.
  • Subscribe to Giving Up on Perfect by e-mail or RSS.
  • Join the Giving Up on Perfect Facebook page and leave a comment telling me you did it.
  • Follow me on Twitter and leave a comment telling me you did it.
  • (If you’ve already done these things, just leave a comment saying so. That will count.)

I’ll randomly draw a winner after midnight on Saturday, December 19, and announce it on Monday.

Until then (well, you know, after you link up and comment!), eat some broken cookies, print labels for that stack of cards, and frame that picture of your crying baby on Santa’s lap. It’s all part of a not so perfect Christmas!

P.S. Here are some graphic resources that will help you make a creative Christmas card.

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