Yesterday we talked about several ways to prepare for Blissdom. This annual women’s blogging conference shouldn’t be intimidating, but as I know from last year, it can be just that if you’re not prepared.

Don’t worry! I’m here to save you from your unprepared self. After all, I don’t want any of you to arrive in Nashville all nervous and excited, only to end up so overwhelmed and scared that you retreat to your hotel room, spending prime networking time on IM with your real-life blogging friend at home.

Not that I know anyone who did such a thing.

The first five tips for preparing for Blissdom were register (duh!), print business cards, get connected through social networks, find out who’s going and make a friend. Because I’m sure you followed my instructions immediately after reading them and are now signed up, printed, connected and hooked up with at least one new conference buddy, it’s time for five more tips.

  1. Do your homework. This little idea of mine to offer tips for attending Blissdom? Turns out it’s not the most original thing on the planet. Not that I’m copying anyone, but the fact is, we’ve all fretted a little bit (or a lot bit) before a big event like this. And that means most of know that any and all advice, insight, suggestions and tips are more than welcome. So, Google it up, girls. (Or, if you like to earn money for your research, Swagbucks it up.) I’m including the posts I know about, but believe me, there are more. If you’ve already found them, please leave a link in the comments!
  2. Map out your strategy. So you registered, booked your ticket and reserved your hotel room. All set, right? Not quite. When I arrived at Blissdom last year, I was surprised to learn I had to choose between two tracks. This year I’ll have even more choices, but I’m going in prepared. You should, too. Choose the classes you want to attend with the agenda, and keep your eyes and ears open for events going on during the weekend.
  3. Shop (and pack) early. I’m not here to tell you what to buy or pack. I’m just here to tell you to start early. Do your research and find out what the seasoned bloggers suggest you bring. You may not be as list-y as me, but I highly suggest making a packing list. And remember, if you must buy something, keep the receipt. One luxury of planning and shopping early is the ability to change your mind. More than once.
  4. Prettify yourself. Don’t get me wrong; Blissdom is not the prom. (Also known, at my house, as the day my mom gave me hooker eyes decided I should experiment with eyeliner. Yes, it was traumatic, thank you for asking.) But while your fellow bloggers won’t be impressed by your painful pointy shoes and expensive trendy haircut, you will feel better if you put your best (comfortable) foot forward. I don’t know exactly what that means for you, but for me, it means Crest Whitestrips, Jergens Natural Glow and a Great Clips trim (with a coupon, even!).
  5. Sleep. Last but not least: get yourself some shut-eye. Do not under any circumstance stay up late the night before you head to Nashville. After all, you don’t want to be spaced out and droopy at the cocktail party, do you? No. Go to bed and get your eight hours so you can be your most clever and charming self. (At least on the first day. I won’t even pretend like you’re not going to bed early during the conference. Not when my roommates and I are already giggling about our weekend-long slumber party!)

What are your tips for getting the most out of a conference?


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