Yesterday I met with my manager, and we talked about goals for the rest of the month. About one particular project, she said, “I’d like to finish that up by summer.”

Then we paused. And realized that summer is almost here. I suggested we go strictly by the calendar start, which is still a month away.

You might have guessed that I’m not fond of said project. And I’m not. But more importantly – where has the time gone?

Seriously! I know it’s cliché to moan and groan about time flying, blah, blah, blah. But come on, time! Slow the heck down!!

Okay. I gather, from my elders and, you know, clichéd blog posts, that time will not be slowing down anytime soon. So instead of letting another season fly by, I’m taking a note from the I Heart Blog and setting some goals for enjoying my summer.

Yes, you got that right. I’m making plans to have fun.

Iowa State Fair – My brother, sister-in-law and two good friends from college live in Des Moines. In addition, my brother once starred in a production of State Fair. (Is that true, James? It feels true, but who knows…) So I know well that the Iowa State Fair is the best state fair in the state.

And yet, we’ve never been. I plan to remedy that this summer. As a matter of fact, it’s already on the calendar. We’re going to a Keith Urban and Kris Allen (yee-haw!) concert with my brother and sister-in-law, then we’re going to see the animals and exhibits and butter cow with my friends.

I can’t wait. I might feel differently when it’s a million degrees and we’re sniffing barnyard animal fumes. But for now, I’m excited.

Outdoor Theatre – I’ve got two choices: free community theater a few blocks from my house or moderately expensive professional productions a short drive south. I know it seems obvious, but while I really like South Pacific (who doesn’t sing “I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair” in the shower?), the pro theater is putting on Beauty and the Beast. And The Producers, but Beauty and the Beast! My favorite!

Side note: I cannot wait until Annalyn moves on from Cinderella to a real princess. And by “real princess” – because yes, I rank them – I mean Belle. My favorite, if I haven’t mentioned it.

Oh, one more thing. Both theater options? In August. The hot month.

Chalk Festival – Back in the day when our time was our own, Mark and I made an effort to enjoy all the fun our city has to offer. Well, one year we did. But that year was a lot of fun. And it introduced us to the city’s Chalk Festival.

I don’t remember how we stumbled on it, but I’m so glad we did. The creations those artists make – with chalk – on the sidewalk – are incredible. And I’m determined to go again this year.

City Market – Okay, if you must know, my whole plan includes not just visiting the farmer’s market downtown, but buying fresh vegetables to make my own salsa. Yep, salsa again.

And I might pick up some flowers, too. Just because.

The Zoo and/or Deanna Rose Farmstead – Big animals or small ones? Maybe both. It will depend on how the summer shapes up, but we’re definitely doing at least one.

The zoo pros are big, exotic animals, as well as an invitation from my new blog friend, Janna.

The farmstead pros are animals you can pet and feed, as well as rave reviews from all of my mom friends. Not my mom’s friends. Although, I don’t know, they might love it, too.

Okay, you’re right. I can’t choose. I’ll do both.

These five activities make up half of my summer list. I’ll share the other five next week. Until then . . . What are your plans for the summer?

This post will be posted to Show Us Your Life at Kelly’s Korner.

Images from Maureen Lunn, veritasnoctis, kansas_city_royalty and


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