Do you have a hard time being still? Do you find it difficult to commit to a quiet time that’s truly . . . quiet? Are you constantly on the go, busy, busy, busy? Me, too. And despite my name, I have a real hard time having a Mary heart in this Martha world.

(It’s even funnier for me, because my Granny’s name was Martha Lou. And she was a tiny bit crazy. So I really DO want to be Mary and not Martha!)

My friend Chrissy is starting a Bible study on her blog this week, and she’ll be using Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World: Finding Intimacy With God in the Busyness of Life by Joanna Weaver.

So far, Chrissy has six or seven ladies who’ve signed up, and they’re really excited. If you struggle with being who God created you to be – all while trying to keep your head above water in this crazy busy world – this study might be for you.

The study starts on Wednesday, August 11. If you have any questions, visit Chrissy’s blog (Life’s Not Always Fireflies & Hummingbirds) or e-mail her at FirefliesAndHummingbirds at gmail dot com.

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