We had another day full of fits yesterday. It makes me weary, both emotionally and physically. As soon as I got my rebellious child (who had, for the record, hugged me and apologized, saying, “It’s okay, Mommy. Tomorrow be better.”) into bed, I collapsed on the couch and turned on my computer.
And there was this video, just waiting to brighten my day. Enjoy:
As you know, whether it’s watching my favorite dance movie or a reality TV show, I do love me some dance. Sometimes, I can even find it in my favorite non-dance shows, like Psych. I loved the episode a few weeks ago that featured Gus and Lassiter tap dancing. And check out this video. Could it get any better than a Psych/Glee mash-up? (Unless the video quality were better, but beggars can’t be choosers.)
For more about my obsession with love of dancing, check out these posts:
- Dancing by myself . . . in the mirror . . .
- I Coulda Been . . . a Dancer?
- There is nothing ironic about show choir.
- And if he still doesn’t answer, I simply say . . .
- Saturday Review: Flashdance
Do you enjoy dance? What’s your favorite dance movie? (Or TV show?)
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You hang in there with that little girl, Mary. Have I told you about my youngest?! Most naughty, strong-willed child in the universe (I thought, anyway)–and my first two were pretty darned strong-willed. I prayed hard for that youngest girl of mine for many years, and I stuck to my guns when it came to discipline. Somewhere around third grade (sorry to break it to you), she turned the corner, and now she’s the most delightful 7th grader you can imagine.
All that to say . . . just hang in there! You’ll love the result. :)
Thank you. Sticking to my guns without losing my cool is the challenge!
Whooo-hooo! The “PSYCH” version is the best because, after all, it is “PSYCH.” :)
Gus/Lassie tapping was the most hilarious subplot of the season. :)
Oh yeah. I watched it twice. :)
I loved your post “There is nothing ironic about show choir.” I’m a little late on the train, but I am totally a Gleek! :) I’ve even thought of doing reviews on my blog when the new season starts because I love it so much. We’ll see…
As for dealing with fits, I’m thinking there must be something going around because I’ve been extremely exhausted at home these last few days also. I’ll say a prayer for you if you say a prayer for me?
Brittany, I hope your kiddo has calmed down this week. Mine…well, not so much. As for doing Glee recaps, I did that last season for another blog. And honestly, it kind of wore me out. But if it’s for your own blog (and therefore, on your own schedule), it might be a different situation. Either way, it should be fun to watch!
In my head, I’m a great dancer. In real life, not so much. You made me sooo happy with the first video and the clips from one of my favorite childhood movies (Seven Brides for Seven Brothers). And just so you know, No, I wasn’t even born when the movie came out in 1954.
I also loved the tap dancing in Psych. Go Gus and Lassie!
Sending prayers your way in dealing with your daughter. Motherhood is very difficult sometimes.
Cindy, thank you so much for your prayers.
I love everything dance-related! I also love Psych but haven’t watched it as consistently this season- I’m going to have to track down the Gus/Lassiter tap dancing episode for sure. My favorite dancing movies…so many to choose from but I adore the Step Up movies. And Channing Tatum has nothing to do with it:)
Of course he has nothing to do with it. (HA!)
That totally just made my morning. I started to get up and dance around my kitchen while doing dishes, and then I remember…oh wait. I cannot dance. I am probably either going to trip and fall in a stay-at-home mom related accident or break a dish. But then I decided to risk in anyways…
I’d say dancing around the kitchen is a pretty good risk to start with!
I’ve always wanted to have a dance routine that I can bust out at random events. I have a wedding next month, maybe that’s enough time to plan one? :)
Yes. YES! Please do it. And blog about it. Because I want to live vicariously through you. Pleeeeease? ;)