I noticed today on Facebook that I “like” 110 pages. They range from music groups to restaurants to blogs to charities to snacks. What can I say? I have diverse tastes.

A couple of my friends have said that they play a little game with Facebook “likes.” When they see a suggestion box in the sidebar, telling them that one or more of their friends “like” something, they try to guess who it is.

2 of your friends like Dove Chocolates.
I know, Facebook. I’ve seen the empty wrappers.

4 of your friends like Eminem.
Huh. You don’t say. Wait – what? SHE does? Huh.

1 of your friends likes Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.
Well, now, that’s just ridiculous.

But really, don’t you think seeing what a person likes on Facebook paints a picture of who she is? Maybe. How about I tell you some of the things I like and you decide what kind of picture it paints!

[Side note: Annalyn has recently started saying, “How’s that?” after every harebrained idea she proposes. I’m pretty sure it’s her adaptation of my commonly used phrase, “How does that sound?” when proposing an alternative or compromise after hearing out her harebrained idea of the day. Cute.]

10 of My Favorite Facebook Likes

  1. AP Stylebook: I don’t work without a copy (or two) of this handbook by my side. I think, at one point, I actually had four copies. I’m down to two now. #bignerd
  2. QuikTrip: It might seem weird to be a fan of a gas station, but around these parts, it makes a lot of sense. We have QuikTrips – and <i>other</i> gas stations. Only QuikTrips are fairly clean, post “Safe Place” signs in their parking lots (therefore making them safe places, right?) and tell me they’ll “see me later” every single time I visit. (Seriously, how annoying would it be to have to tell every person, “See you later”?)
  3. Stride Gum: I used to be a big fan – in real life, not virtually – of cinnamon Trident. But it got harder and harder to find. So, though I felt like a gum cheater, I started trying other brands. Until the day I bought a pack of Stride. And now, I’ll never chew anything else. I {heart} Stride.
  4. Oreo: What? It was just for a coupon. I’m not a crazy fan. Or anything like that.
  5. Redbox: I’m sad for Blockbuster that it’s going bankrupt. But I’m so glad for me that Redbox rents movies for a dollar. A dollar! That’s practically free! LOVE.
  6. Shakespeare’s Pizza cups: At last count, we have about 16 of these cups in our cupboard. They are the BEST for drinking water, tea, milk or pop. Really, anything. Classy? No. My favorite? Oh yeah.
  7. Share Our Strength: I’ve been learning more about this organization while I’ve been working with Mission Foods, a partner with Share Our Strength. They do great work, and I look forward to learning more.
  8. NCIS: I know. No surprise. But it really is my favorite show (except for Chuck), whether new episodes or reruns.
  9. Straight No Chaser: Watching this group perform this spring was the most entertaining couple of hours I’d experienced all year! They are so talented and so funny, and I can’t wait to see them again.
  10. The BlogFrog: I met the folks behind this company at Savvy Blogging Summit this summer, and I’ve been having fun figuring them out ever since. Do you BlogFrog? (And would you be interested in a BlogFrog discussion room on this blog?)

All right, hit me with it: what do my Facebook likes say about me? What do your Facebook likes say about you? And – you know I have to ask – have you joined liked Giving Up on Perfect yet?

This post will be linked to Top Ten Tuesday at OhAmanda.


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