He Knows Me

A few weeks ago, I met with my boss. Not my manager, not her manager, but the Big Boss. My company’s not that big, so I’ve talked with him many times over the past few years. But this meeting was different. I was putting in notice to leave the company. For...

Sponsor Spotlight: The Hip Hostess

Have you noticed the cute little buttons on the right side of my blog? Those folks are my sponsors, and just like the faux commercials on PBS say, this blog is made possible by THEM. I’ve joked before that blogging is an expensive hobby, but really, it is. From...

Guest Post: What a Journey It’s Been!

When I recently heard that Mary was quitting her job to stay at home with her completely adorable toddler, I was so excited for her. It’s such an exciting, scary and overwhelming time. As I read her announcement I was flooded with memories of my own journey from full...

Guest Post: If the Shoe Fits…

Earlier last week, I read Mary’s post about “How Quitting My Job is Like Rock Climbing.” And I could relate – both to the rock climbing and the analogy of how that feels like quitting work. Back in our dating days I tried to impress my now husband by...

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