Overall, the party was a success. Annalyn had a good time, and that’s what counts. The weather was less than cooperative but not disastrous (windy and cold, but not rainy). Most of the family – and a few friends who are like family – was there, and nobody tried to crash the party (like the people who attempted to “steal” our [reserved] shelter two years ago). And, thanks to Smitty, the Veggie Tales cakes and decorations (even the ones we couldn’t put up because of the stupid wind) were adorable.

All in all, a great party!

Bob and Larry cakes

Can you believe we MADE these cakes???

Centerpieces for the tables

Is it weird that we ate veggies at a Veggie Tales party?

This party would not have happened without Smitty!

Annalyn loves our friends Josh and Brittany!

Doing her signature dance move, the Cha-Cha-Cha!

Trying out her new tricycle!

She was so excited to get a wagon from Allie and Grandpa!

This is what consumed MY weekend. How was yours??

This post will be linked to Wordless Wednesday (because I cheat) and Wordful Wednesday (because I use words).


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