Thank you so much for playing along with me last week! The Week of Giveaways was so much fun! And, now, the moment you’ve been waiting for…the winners! (Except for the CD. I’ll announce that in a couple days.)
- Mint Julep Monograms: Marlene, who commented on 11/15/10!
- Dayspring Christmas Collection: Laurie Skillern
- The Vintage Pearl: Erin Welch, my real-life friend from college! How fun!
- The Reluctant Entertainer: Julie Ann
Congratulations, winners! Thanks to everyone who entered!
Those were some really great, fantastically awesome giveaways, Mary. Thanks for the opportunity! (Even if I didn’t win.)
Mary, THANK YOU so much! I never thought I’d actually win, and I’m so excited. It will be really tough to choose. I love your blog and am so impressed with and proud of you for making it so successful. Jay Self would be proud! :)