The end of the year – and the day of truth – is upon us.
Wait – is that too dramatic? Just a little?
Okay, but it’s true. 2010, whether you pronounced it “two thousand ten” or “twenty ten” is almost over. If you’re still hoping to meet your goals for the year, you have less than 48 hours!
As for me, I’m pretty sure if I haven’t met my goals thus far, it’s probably not going to happen.
That’s not to say I haven’t followed through on any of my resolutions. I have. And here’s a rundown of what I resolved – or didn’t, as the case may be – in 2010.
My 2010 Resolutions and Goals – and Their Results!
Read the Bible all the way through: Well, not quite. I bought a One Year Bible and started the year reading very faithfully. Every day. Daily. And then . . . well, I got behind. Eventually I realized that some reading was better than no reading. So I spent the rest of the year catching up when I could. And I will start over again on Saturday.
Obtain and maintain a healthy weight: Ummm . . . no.
Improve our finances: This year we paid off some debt, though not as much as I’d hoped. And we put a good amount into savings – although we’ve since spent it. Going from two salaries to one has meant constant adjustments in the financial department, and I’m looking forward to getting used to our new normal this year.
Go on monthly dates with my husband: I don’t believe we managed a date every month, but we did spend time together – sans kiddo – several times this year.
Hang on to my sanity while raising a toddler: Well . . . mostly! We’ve survived potty training, the move to a big girl bed, transitioning to full-time daycare and then to preschool, and the tell-tale sign of the terrible twos (and threes): the public tantrum. And my head has only exploded two or twenty times.
Take a photography class: No. Unless you count my favorite session at Savvy Blogging Summit. And in that case, yes.
Increase blog traffic: Yes. Thank YOU.
Start a cooking club: I tried, but it didn’t work out.
Read some good books: Oh yeah! I read a lot, but here are my favorite books of 2010.
Stay caught up on my scrapbooking: Mostly. No matter how many (or few) layouts I completed, those nights spent scrapbooking with my friends and cousins were some of the most fun of my entire year!
Get a new job: Not exactly in the way I had in mind, but yes!
I also wrote about recycling, getting up early and using coupons this year. Recycling – yes! Getting up early – a few times. Which has to be better than nothing, right? And coupons – not so much. Maybe next year (with the new budget, you know)!
So, how did you do with your 2010 resolutions?
I’m not sure I even made resolutions for 2010, it was just easier that way :)
Have you ever thought of trying reading the Bible in 90 days? There is a new session beginning on the 3rd. I did it last year and it was such a blessing! It was a challenge (I think it actually took me 92 days) but much easier than reading it over an entire year, IMO. You don’t get burned out and can’t put it off like you would with a longer program. You can see details at Mom’s Toolbox ( )
I have thought about the 90 day program but haven’t been quite ambitious/brave enough yet!
Wow, those were some pretty hefty resolutions. I’d say you did well. I don’t make resolutions. I’m pretty much philosophically opposed. ;-) I guess I don’t like the pressure. But I did have a daily quiet time more often than not, and that was an improvement. I hope to do even better with that this year.
That’s a great resolution – even if you aren’t calling it that! :)