If you’ve been reading this blog for any amount of time (or if you happen to know me in real life), you know that I hate cleaning.

I mean, just look at some of my favorite blog posts. From tips for cleaning at the last minute to tips for making your house seem cleaner than it really is, I’ve made it pretty clear that cleaning on a regular basis just is not my thing.

Now that I’m a stay-at-home mom, though, I feel some pressure to get it together and keep this place clean. Even when I’m not having company in less than two hours.

[Disclaimer: When I say “clean,” I don’t mean neat. I keep our house neat. Well, most the time. I’m just saying that I’m not a total slob. I just don’t like to dust, and I only remember to vacuum when we’re expecting visitors.]

You know how I like my lists. So it will come as no surprise that when I considered my desire for a consistently clean house and my intense dislike of doing the work to make that happen, I turned to pen and paper.

Well, technically, I turned to a spreadsheet on Google Documents, but a list is a list, right?

I broke down my days into half hours and detailed every activity that I think I need to accomplish. I plugged in chores and tasks and projects. And then I realized that it’s impossible to get it all done.

And that’s about where my cleaning schedule motivation stopped. Until now.

My friend Christine, who writes I Dream of Clean, has published Creating Your Perfect Cleaning Schedule, an e-book dedicated to helping people like me (and you, right? I’m not alone in this, right? Right??) create a perfect cleaning schedule.

And even though she writes a blog all about cleaning, she’s not interested in making some demanding, unrealistic to-do list that doesn’t fit you, your family, your house and your life. Nope. She’s here to walk you through the process of assessing your own needs and figuring out what type of schedule will work for you.


Creating Your Perfect Cleaning Schedule is a quick read and reasonably priced. It’s $7.99, and for the next two weeks, you can use the code CleanNewYear for 50% off.

Creating Your Perfect Cleaning Schedule includes:

  1. 1.A step-by-step guide to creating a plan tailor-made for you
  2. 2.A master list of every possible cleaning task Christine could think of (including some that I had never even thought of . . . which is why I’m not writing a cleaning blog!)
  3. Calendar templates and links to helpful articles on IDreamofClean.net

If keeping your house cleaner or more organized is one of your goals for 2011, I recommend giving Christine’s book a shot. She won’t do the cleaning for you (I wish!), but she’ll walk you through a pretty painless process that will leave you with the tools to get your house clean – and keep it that way.

Do you clean your house regularly? What kind of schedule do you follow? Do you need this e-book as much as I did?

Image by ToastyKen. This post will be linked to Things I Love Thursday at Diaper Diaries.

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