Faced with the temptation of two paper-wrapped rolls of TP, available upon request at the front desk every single time we went downstairs, my roommates (and I) had only one option: to make a toilet paper tower. If we’d had more room in that tiny tiled room, we probably would have gone for a fort. But as it was, that tower was mighty impressive.
I sure could use some of that free toilet paper now. Because now that my happily potty trained kiddo and I are home all day, we use a lot more toilet paper!
After the first several weeks of staying home with Annalyn, I shared with you 10 surprises about becoming a stay-at-home mom. Now that we’ve been at this for a couple more months, I’ve got a few more.
More Surprises about Becoming a SAHM
1. The cleaning NEVER ends. Sure, it might take a break. But not for long. Never for long. Just when I think I’ve got all the laundry clean and – amazingly – put away, we get ready for bed and throw our dirty clothes in the hamper. Or, I get the kitchen sparkling clean – and drop spaghetti sauce on the floor. It just. Never. Ends.
2. Skype is a lifesaver. (Or at least a sanity saver!) When I was making the decision to leave my full-time job and stay home, lots of people wisely cautioned me about the loneliness that often comes with the transition between spending nine hours with co-workers to spending 24 hours a day with your child and yourself. Thankfully, I had several friends on Skype who chatted with me throughout the day and kept me sane.
Of course, Skype’s little notification ring just about drives my husband crazy. But that’s another topic altogether.
3. We do not have enough books! Just like my realization that we don’t have enough toys, what used to seem like tons of books just doesn’t quite cut it when we’re here so many more hours of the day. Luckily, that’s where the library comes in. Although, point 3b. should read, “Don’t let three-year-old child pick out all her own books.”
4. I have to be proactive and seek out fun activities around town. Case in point? The Santa Claus that visited our local library and let parents take all the photos they wanted. For FREE. The same Santa that I didn’t know about until I was standing in the library 30 minutes before Annalyn’s preschool Christmas party, watching Santa delight children and parents alike. How much do you think I regretted not knowing about THAT? Oh, about three hours of waiting in line at the mall’s worth.
5. Overcoming my night owl ways is harder than I thought. I’ve committed (to myself and an amazingly disciplined friend) to getting up early every day and working out. If there’s anything that will cure the urge to stay up late, it should be that, right? Yeah, not so much. Maybe next week…
And, don’t even get me started on how I’ve found myself encouraging my daughter to watch The Electric Company after her nap. I say it’s to help her learn to read (they really do push phonics on there), but honestly? That Hector is way nicer to look at than any of the Imagination Movers!
So, stay-at-home moms, any other surprises that I should expect? And, other friends, have you been surprised by anything lately?
This post may be linked to these amazing carnivals and link parties.
Maybe we could trade some books for a few months! It seems like we have a ton but Libbie always wants to read the same ones over and over again. Maybe someone has a suggestion on how to get her to pick new volumes every once in awhile!
Haha!! All of these made laugh ’cause they’re SO true!! Amen to the Skype one!! It’s our one connection to the “outside world’ =) Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
1. The cleaning NEVER ends…..I cannot agree more. The good thing though is that as children get older they are able to help keep things clean a whole lot better. It takes a lot of training them on the front end but it pays off tremendously in the long run. The woes of being a SAHM :)
“lots of people wisely cautioned me about the loneliness that often comes with the transition between spending nine hours with co-workers to spending 24 hours a day with your child and yourself.”
This is very true. I’m not against stay at home moms, but truthfully, I do find it funny how many mothers that I know who are SAHMs for various reasons are BORED. Which usually ends up in going out to the mall on a daily basis. It makes sense, but then why do so many SAHMs say they are so busy! Few people are “busy” at work but it comes in spruts.
Its good that your blog has truth to your SAHM experience. Keep it up.
haha, I love the Imagination Movers! So sorry, Rich has my eye! Can hardly wait for their 2011 Tour to kick off Feb 4th! Gonna catch both SoCal shows with my niece! (www.ImaginationMovers.com/events), and for those who are Mover fans, you can join their street team to earn tickets to their shows and other great Mover gear for your kiddos! http://www.FanManager.net/teams/ImaginationMovers!
Thank you so much for such a great blog! :) Blessings to you and your family!
I just tweeted about how I can clean all day but the house is never clean. Sigh. Also, we use to live literally next door to the library. Saving grace. We checked out so many books – it was wonderful.
I love these posts because I’ve only ever been a SAHM (I was a student when Aiden was born.) I really have no idea what it’s like for working mothers. Hurray for some reverse learning!
Cleaning really has an end?!!??
I have no advice – but i do have this to say. I so respect your decision – and the sacrifice you’ve made to be a SAHM – so much respect – so much.
I’ll be at Blissdom – that’s how I found your site. I’ll be looking to meet other bloggers who love Our Lord. It’s clear you do. So I look forward to meeting you.
God Bless you and yours.
THAT’s funny! I thought it was only US! We homeschool, and there are 3 of us home all day… WOW – I’m just sayin’
Heeheehee oh dear. I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say or do on this post but I have to admit to shameful giggling. I’m a horrible bloggy friend. ;)
Oh maybe I should clarify that I’m laughing at the toilet paper part not the difficulties/surprises that aren’t funny. Just so you don’t think I’m completely without a soul….
We have a weekly paper that lists all of the kids activities for the week. I pick it up every week so I know what we will be filling our days with. Also, toddler classes at our local Y have been a lifesaver.
And no, the cleaning never, ever ends.
i can so agree with all your points, except the not enough toys. we have too many toys. lol
if you like books, you might like this site: http://www.wegivebooks.org/books
i’ve been a stay at home mom for 5 years now and yes the cleaning never stops.. lol
great post