Well, I guess that picture might be Clue #1. Actually, now that I think about it, I could’ve done a whole photo post thing here and linked up to Wordless Wednesday. Somewhere – buried deep, so don’t even bother looking – I have photos of me with a stack spelling bee trophies, photos in my Camp Fire girls uniform and many photos with many, many bad haircuts. No braces or headgear, but good grief, just look at those glasses!

Today is Geek Pride Day. And while you might think that would be merely a national holiday, I discovered while doing my research yesterday (Clue #2) that the Day of the Geek actually began in Spain in 2006.

Now, before you go acting like my mom and informing me that “geek” means a circus freak who eats chickens or something, let me just stop you. And say, yes, that is where the term originated. But these days, it’s published on Wikipedia commonly accepted that the “definition of geeks remains that of a person engrossed in his area of interest at the cost of social skills, personal hygiene, and status.”

See? No mention of chickens or other circus-freaky things at all!

When I began considering my geek-hood in preparation for this post (Clue #3? Nah…), a list immediately began rolling through my mind:

  • Spelling bee champion – and proud of it (Clue #3 for sure!)
  • Honor student
  • First – and only – chair of the bass clarinet section in the band
  • Captain of the academic team (Clue #4 in a big way. I even wore my glasses to meets to look nerdier smarter.)
  • Valedictorian

(Okay, so that last one doesn’t make me feel like a geek at all. It’s just rare that I get to throw it out there, so I thought I’d take this opportunity. My mom tried to tell me that nobody would care about my class rank once graduation was over, but did I believe her? Nooooo. Did I drop the cool-in-my-school jazz band in favor of the better-for-my-GPA college chemistry class anyway? Yesssss. [I’m going to call that one Clue #5. And sad. Boo.])

But after I worked through my usual list of things that make me a dork, I realized that the definition I was finding elsewhere included a passion and expertise in some area. I started worrying that maybe I’m not a geek after all! (*sigh* I know. Clue #6)

(Okay, so the previously mentioned photos weren't buried so deeply after all...)

Then I calmed down and remembered that while I might not be considered an expert by everyone, I am very geeky when it comes to three things.

1. Grammar. I know I have to call this Clue #7, but the fact is, I love grammar and punctuation and AP Style and using the English language properly. Why is that so weird? Personally, I think it’s normal – and good, yes, GOOD – to enjoy a blog or two about grammar. And to bookmark shops that sell t-shirts with jokes about proofreading. And to put a grammar book on my Amazon wish list. Yep. Totally normal.

2. Blogging. It feels so wrong to say that blogging love and know-how makes me a geek while writing on my blog. But, let’s face it, it’s true. However, considering social media has become a large (and awesome!) part of my life, I’m going to own this, Clue #8, proudly.

3. Television. Okay, so I might still use a VCR, but I am a HUGE geek for TV. (If you’re new here, there’s no “might” about it. I do not have DVR, and I use my 22-year-old VCR on a regular basis. Happily. Despite much Twitter persecution. So there.)

I watch a lot of TV. I read blogs about TV. I write about TV on my blog. I write about TV for other blogs. I listen to podcasts about TV. Basically, I love TV and I know a lot about TV.And even if that doesn’t make me a geek, there’s always what kind of shows I like to watch on TV.

First of all, I love Chuck – a spy show specifically about a nerd. Second of all, I never miss an episode – or rerun, if I can help it – of NCIS, the best show your mom (or grandma) likes. Other (past and present) favorites? Warehouse 13, Firefly, Freaks & Geeks. Need I say more? Clue #9.

As I round out this list of clues that I’m a big ol’ geek, I have so many things competing for #10. I think I’m going to go with my much-documented love of reading. My first job was at a library, and just yesterday I tossed around the idea of going back to school to get my master’s degree in Library Science. (I don’t think that idea will stick, but I’m not completely joking.) I love reading all kinds of books, but lately I’ve been devouring anything involving fantasy, the future, time travel or YA romance – sometimes all in one book.

And in honor of the other holiday being celebrated today, I reserved The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy at the library.

I’m pretty sure that seals it. I am a geek, yes I am. How about you?

This post will be linked to Top Ten Tuesday at OhAmanda.


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