My friend Jill‘s husband has written a great e-book for dads about being dads. While I’ve never met Ryan, I feel like I know him a bit from Jill – and if you believe her (which I do), he’s an amazing husband and father. I can’t wait to read his book, The Dad’s Playbook, with my husband.
My husband, just so you know, is also a great dad. And he doesn’t like to read. Unless we’re talking about Motor Trend. But even though Ryan’s e-book contains no glossy photos of sports cars (really, Ryan? None?), I’m pretty sure Mark will dive into this book. After all, it’s just 30 pages long and it’s about how to be the dad his baby girl needs. And it might just have replaced his bathroom magazine. AHEM.
If you’re looking for a last-minute Father’s Day gift or a simple way to encourage your husband (or other fathers in your life), this book is the way to go. It’s a quick read and it’s written by someone with experience but still in the trenches. And, most importantly when it comes to giving your husband something to read, The Dad’s Playbook will not talk down to him in any way. It won’t tell him he’s a horrible father or make him feel bad about his parenting. It’s encouragement from another dad, plain and simple.
Buy a copy of The Dad’s Playbook today for just $4.95! (Or, if you want to read the introduction first, check it out here.)
What are you giving your father, husband or other dad in your life for Father’s Day?
We’re thinking we’ll go for a bike ride or to the beach, maybe have some cake and a nice meal. Just spend time as a family. I ran so many ideas past my husband but he wasn’t into any of them other than the basic stuff!