I don’t buy a lot of books. I prefer to check them out from the library. After all, the library has a nifty little system where I can go online at my convenience, reserve the books I want and then pick them up when I’m ready. (I can even check them out myself if the self-checkout computer is working, which is why I felt completely justified sneaking into the library today…wearing, basically, pajamas. I wasn’t going to talk to anybody! I know. Feel free to contact Stacy and Clinton immediately.)
The only problem with this system? (Aside from my descent into stereotypical SAHM-wear in public?) Sometimes it takes FOREVER to get a popular book. For example, I’m currently number 1,086 in line for a book that I requested about five months ago.
This week, however, the stars aligned and God smiled down upon my reading habit. Just in time for vacation, Mockingjay came in at the library. On top of that, the new Stephanie Plum book was released the day before I left town. And since I learned about the airport bookstore’s Read and Return program, I was able to stomach buying my own copy.
When I looked at my small stack of books for vacation, I had to laugh. Boy, do I have diverse tastes! The three books that landed in my suitcase were a historical Christian novel (Stars in the Night by Cara Putman), the final book in a young adult sci-fil trilogy (Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins), and the latest in a slightly raunchy but extremely funny detective series (Smokin’ Seventeen by Janet Evanovich). And you know what?
I will love them all.
Speaking of reading, I have made some headway in my classics reading list and spring reading list. If you count the half of Pride & Prejudice and half of The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy that I’ve read (combined with the entire Catcher in the Rye), then I’ve read two whole books off that list.
As for my spring/summer reading list, I have read – and enjoyed – several more of those books. Love Remains, A Heart Most Worthy, Save the Date and A Cowboy’s Touch were all great Christian novels. (Although A Cowboy’s Touch had a dreadful cover and boring description. I’m glad I didn’t judge that one too quickly!) I also read Eve and The Sixth Man, and loved them both. Finally, I read Quitter and will probably read it again.
I’ve still got a few books on my list – and a few more on my bedside table. What are you reading right now? And what kind of books do you like to take on vacation?
I love seeing what books have made your list of reads! You have a very diverse list! I find that the best books I’ve read have been recommendations from friends and blogs I read. And…I’m totally with you on borrowing from the library rather than buying…I don’t need finished books piling up on my shelf and draining my bank account!
Exactly. Maybe if I were the kind to re-read books, but since I’m not, the library it is!
love the way you describe your initial impression of Cowboy’s Touch–lol. I probably wouldn’t have given it a chance based on that—but good to know it’s a winner of a book! thanks for this list, I’m always looking for new stuff to read :)
I was actually embarrassed when my husband picked up the book and looked at the description on the back. It really was better than the cover!
I’m on a Dickens kick right now! I just finished “Little Dorrit” and I’m now getting into “Nicholas Nickleby.” I recently downloaded a ton of free classic literature on my Kindle. :)
Okay, your Dickens kick kicks my classic reading to the curb! Of course I have never read either one of those!!
A few days ago I finished Mothers and Other Liars. I stayed up until 2 am reading 19 Minutes by Jodi Picoult. Next up: Night Road by Kristin Hannah. Her book Winter Garden was really good.
I just started Matched by Allie Condie, in the YA category. I’m very intrigued by the first few chapters. Also in the YA vein, I finished Across the Universe (Revis) the other day and Shiver (Stiefvater) the week before that. I’m also finally reading Don Miller’s Blue Like Jazz.
I haven’t read Blue Like Jazz. So you weren’t the last person to read it! ;)
We read the same stuff!! I just got :Smokin Seventeen” from the library and Lula cracks me up.
I have about 5 memoirs on my list from Dick Van Dyke to Tina Fey. and yes I am number 353 out of 549 to wait for the book.
Enjoy and have a blast!
Ohhh, I can’t wait to read Tina Fey’s book! Sad story about Smokin Seventeen, though – the airport bookstore didn’t have it, so now I’m waiting for the library. *sigh*
If you lived here, you’d never be number 1,086 in line for a book! Mel’s always saying things like that too. That’s just crazy. I’m never more than like number 3. You could argue I’m not checking out the most popular books, but even when I do they’re still below 10 usually. Same with movies.
I like your idea about two half-classics equaling one whole. :) In that case, I can answer that question people post on Facebook all the time a little more positively. :) And finally I can feel accomplished for reading about half of Anna Karenina. :) Over the course of 2 summers…
What am I reading right now? I recently finished End the Fed and am currently reading both Liberty Defined and Dancing with Max. Yep, I’m a nerd. :) But at least I’m learning with them, right? :)
Well, we’ll just put that into the pro column for the “move to DSM” debate!