I counted yesterday. We still have six weeks before preschool is back in session. SIX WHOLE WEEKS. As in – I’m not sure I can make it SIX MORE WEEKS!
We have spent that past 10 weeks going on vacation, attending library programs, watching more TV than we should (*sigh*), and enjoying various play dates.
Ahhhh, play dates! They have seriously saved my sanity and our summer. Whether it’s a picnic at the park, a trip to the zoo or lunch at Chick-fil-A, play dates make both my hyper, talkative, whiny, rebellious darling daughter (and me) happy.
As I look at our “summer list,” I feel like we haven’t done much at all so far. But when I look back at our pictures from the past two months, I realize we’ve actually done a lot! A lot of really fun stuff.
Here’s the proof:
How’s your summer going so far? If you’re a parent, do you enjoy play dates? How soon do your kids go back to school? (Not that you’re counting the days, of course…)
This post will be linked to Wordful Wednesday.
Play days are sanity savers! Especially as my kids are older. Before they seemed like so much work but I love them now. My kids have about six weeks left until school starts and somedays it seems like f o r e v e r. Other days, I’m amazed at how fast the time has gone by.
Enjoy the rest of your summer!
I’ll agree with that – summer has flown by, but it’s been long at the same time. How does that even make sense??
We have less than a week before school begins on August 1… I love back to school organization and supply stocking up, but this year summer just went by too quickly! We did enjoy trips to the pool, mountain hiking, picnics and playdates. But the riggors of homework and schedules are arriving earlier than I would like this year.
I suppose I won’t be quite as anxious for school to return once school involves homework and lots of activities. :) I’m glad you had a fun summer with your kiddos!
I am totally relieved that we are going to be gone most of August – so that I will have HELP!! But I feel like that year-round, not just the summer. I am relieved that Libbie will go to Mother’s Day Out starting at the end of August so I can have a little time apart from her … everyone needs a little time away, right?
I belong to the local Moms club, which plans something for pretty much every weekday. That helps so much, just to have a preplanned option!
YES, everyone needs a little time away! And I love that you have a moms group that makes plans so often. What a great option!