Remember when I wrote about the dangers of parenting from the couch? I had such good intentions back then. (All the way back in June, that is.)

And, really, I’ve done pretty well this summer. We’ve stayed busy with play dates and field trips, checking off quite a few things from our summer to-do list. (Although the “checking off” is metaphorical since I have yet to actually print out the cute little list we made together, thanks to an empty ink cartridge and my local Walmart’s refusal to stock the particular cartridge we need.)

After 10 weeks of summer fun (with another five to go!), though, I kind of hit a wall. Deciding to start a second blog didn’t help, either.

Needless to say, my head has been buried in my laptop for the past two weeks, and both my daughter and I have had enough. You know it’s gotten bad when your child asks you to turn off the TV and “play on the floor” with her.

So, today, play on the floor – without the TV on or the computer open – is exactly what we did. We dragged out three sets of blocks and built the best castle I have ever seen.

[Here’s another look at it, courtesy of my little photographer (who believes she can use my camera every time she says “pretty please.”)]

How’s the end of YOUR summer going? Been to any block parties lately?

This post will be linked to Wordful Wednesday at Parenting by Dummies.


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Mary Carver
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