You’ve heard about the mustache craze, right? I’d say it’s even more popular than the bizarre trend of feather hair extensions, which is apparently all the rage with the cool kids. As one who’s typically firmly on the outside looking in when it comes to trends and crazes, imagine my delight when Annalyn let me draw a mustache on her last week!

We visited a local children’s museum and the art room had a face painting station. The face crayons (or whatever they’re called, I’m not an expert) were pretty dried out and my subject – AHEM, daughter – was pretty wiggly. So the end result was not worth writing home – or a blog post – about.

But a few nights later, the topic came up with my friend Michelle who’d volunteered at a fair booth. She mentioned that people at the booth were making balloon animals and painting faces, neither of which she knew how to do.

“I know how to make balloon animals and paint faces!” I bragged.

Being the good friend she is, Michelle immediately asked for details. And I had to admit that my last face painting performance was in high school at a fall festival, and I learned to make balloon animals from my friend Daphne on a slow day at the agency (and haven’t done it since).

That’s my friend Daphne up there. And after many hours of hard non-work, she taught me how to make that balloon dog up there. Sadly, my more recent work experiences have not lent themselves to activities involving clowns or balloon animals. Or, in general, tomfoolery.

But just because my face painting and balloon animal skills might be a little rusty doesn’t mean I don’t have any special abilities. After all, I’m great at . . . let me think . . . at . . . well, there’s . . .


Now, don’t yell at me. Of course I have skills. You might even say I have skillz. I mean, you probably wouldn’t. Because that is ridiculous. But you might.

And sure, I can write and make people laugh and think and feel. I can sing a little and once upon a time, I could play the piano pretty well. I can put together a cute scrapbook very quickly, and I can whip up a tasty dinner at will. But those things . . . well, they’re so boring!

Do I have any FUN skills?

Considering I have claimed – more than once – that my superpowers are proofreading, spelling and all things grammatical, it’s quite possible I don’t.


Can I toss pizza dough? Stand on my head? Make fancy cake pops? Sketch caricatures of my family and friends? Twirl a pen around my fingers? Tie nautical knots? Sing all the words to It’s the End of the World As We Know It? Juggle? Ride a unicycle? Apply lipstick without using my hands?

Um, no.

But, all this deep thinking has reminded me of one thing I mastered many moons ago. My cousins have taught me many things, from the proper technique for rolling my jeans to the one-handed melody of Axel F on the piano. And during our family camping trips way back in the day, they also taught me The Cup Game.

You know the one, right? Tap, tap, hit the cup. Pick it up . . .

Yes, I’m aware that, as it turns out, this is often a drinking game. I can’t speak for my cousins, but I have never used my Cup Game powers for evil or debauchery. But I did build on my cup-moving skills to dominate The Shoe Game we played on a church trip to Canada a few years ago.

I’m not sure what it is. I wouldn’t normally claim excellent hand-eye coordination, but apparently when you put it to a little chant and add the word “game” to it, I’m a super star.

There you have it. My special fun skill is mastery of The Cup Game. (Well, that and knowing Every. Single. Word. to Salt ‘n’ Pepa’s Shoop. But that’s not exactly something to brag about, is it?)

Do you have any special (fun) skills or abilities you’d like to share? (Perhaps we’ll start a blogger carnival…)


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Mary Carver
Mary Carver
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