Is it ignorant that I had to look up the correct spelling of “kebab”? Because I did. And it – the correct spelling – looks weird. But who am I to argue with Merriam-Webster?

I got sucked into Pinterest shortly before the 4th of July. Though I resisted at first, I can’t deny it’s a fun and inspiring place to spend a few minutes – and find a quick and cute dish for the family BBQ.

I saw this American Flag Fruit Kebab on Pinterest and knew immediately that Annalyn and I would make that for my cousin’s 4th of July party. What I didn’t know was how quickly the fruit kebabs would disappear after we arrived at the party!

Like so many dinners I fix for my family, this dish took WAY less time to eat than to fix. And that’s saying a lot, considering how easy it was to make. Those fruit skewers flew off the plate the second I set it on the counter!

If you’re looking for a healthy, festive dish for any BBQs, picnics or potluck dinners you’re hosting or attending over Labor Day weekend, try these American Flag Fruit Kebabs!

How to make “flag fruit,” as my kiddo called it: Slice 5-6 large bananas into approximately 50 pieces. Soak briefly in pineapple juice (to prevent browning). Rinse and slice 25-30 strawberries, and rinse 50 blueberries. (Or more, if your kids will steal bites like mine did!)

Next, take 10 wooden skewers and string up the fruit! I stuck 10 blueberries on five of the 10 skewers to represent the stars, and [obviously] alternated the bananas and strawberries for the red and white stripes. It’s pretty easy to line them up to make actual stripes, but it doesn’t have to be exact.

Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until time to serve. Enjoy!

Do you have any delicious plans (you know, ones involving food?) for the holiday weekend?

This post will be linked to Mouthwatering Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Tuesdays at the Table, Tempt My Tummy Tuesday, 33 Shades of Green, Sweet Tooth Friday and Foodie Friday.

This post may be linked to these amazing carnivals and link parties.


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Mary Carver
Mary Carver
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