I can’t believe we have to wait MONTHS to see more White Collar!! What a finale! Those last five minutes? Devastating!!
The whole season (or this first half of it) has certainly been building the tension, so I’m not surprised the final summer episode was full of the underlying currents between Neal and Peter, between Neal and Mozzie. It didn’t wrap things up the way I thought – and hoped – it would, but this is just a half-way point for season three.
A few things I loved:
- The return of Anna Chlumsky as the “girl Friday” from DC’s art crimes division.
Jerry, a noble hot dog vendor who would gladly give his life for Mozzie’s.
Neal and Mozzie’s agreement that they should copyright the phrase, “We’ve got a problem.” That bit reminded me of Gob Bluth and his, “I’ve made a huge mistake.”
- The Oceans 11 vibe, from the two teams laying out their plans to the famous Caffrey fedora and jazzy soundtrack.
The parachute jump. THE PARACHUTE JUMP!
A few things that broke my heart:
- Angry Mozzie
- Hurt Mozzie
- A Mozzie who’s so angry and hurt that he leaves Neal on such a sour note: “You’re fooling yourself if you think this is who you really are.”
- Elizabeth . . . oh, Elizabeth. When I imagine what the repercussions will be when the show returns this winter, I’m just full of dread. I can’t imagine they’ll kill off a main character, but oooooh, Peter is not going to let this one go. Even after his wife is safe.
One of the things I’ve loved about this show is how they have avoided manufactured drama between Neal and Peter for the most part, allowing them to develop a real relationship and actually deal with their issues. I hope this doesn’t change that.
I’m also wondering how this will affect Mozzie’s decision to leave. He has a real soft spot for “Mrs. Suit,” you know.
Did you watch the White Collar finale? What did you think?
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