I love dips. Cheesy dips, spicy dips, simple dips, complicated dips. Well, I don’t love making complicated dips. I don’t love making complicated anything.

But boy I’ll eat it.

Boo-Mama is having her annual DipTacular today in preparation for football season. And while I am not the football fan she is, I certainly want to do my part to make sure your crackers and chips are properly dipped (preferably in some cheese-type concoction, as God and nature intended it).

The funny thing is that when I did a quick search, I found not only recipes for dips but two (not one – but two. TWO!) posts in which I listed my favorite dips.

It’s possible I have a problem.

Before you all stage a dip intervention, let me give you my favorite dips. I’m not saying that will change your mind about the importance of dip. But it might . . .

Oh, hey, one more thing. Totally unrelated (unless you’re a messy cook and then it’s totally related), I’m holding a giveaway for a Black & Decker Steam-Mop. Today’s the last day to enter, so don’t miss your chance!

Do you like to dip? Do you like to eat while enduring watching football? Share in the comments!

This post will be linked to BooMama’s DipTacular.


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