Well, it took me a while, but I think I’m caught up on all the comedies that premiered this week. Here’s a short rundown:
Modern Family: Funny, as always. I didn’t love New Brat Lily, but everything else was classic Modern Family. Oh, also? The kids were all grown-up, and they acted like it. Except Luke. He’s an odd duck. {Yes, this is the analysis you get on a Friday night. Deal with it.}
Big Bang Theory: Funny, as always…but the kissing scene with Raj and Howard was awkward. And has the laugh track always been that loud? I don’t know. This one has never been must-watch for me, and I guess it still isn’t.
Community: Oh, Community. You make me happy. Except when you’re a little too dark and weird. But then you come back to happy, so we’re all good. I mean, a musical number and a running gag about Cougar Town? Not to mention John Goodman and his voice and his matching the dean crazy for crazy. I’m excited for another year of this show – just fine, crazy or somewhere in between.
Parks and Recreation: I love this show so very much! I know I said Castle is becoming my favorite show, but that’s only because I kind of forgot about Parks and Rec for a minute. Plus, they’re totally different types of shows, so they can both be my favorite. (Don’t tell Chuck.)
The Office: I wasn’t going to watch. I mean, I hardly watched at all last year until they started the long goodbye to Steve Carell. But I watched it anyway. And it was pretty good. James Spader was completely unlikable to me, and strangely realistic. (Really. Haven’t you worked for or with someone like that along the way?) But seeing Andy step up and be a good manager – and then feel so proud of himself was great. So was watching Jim be normal again – and super sweet to Hormonal Pam.
Whitney: No. I mean, just no.
So, have you watched any good premieres this week? What was your favorite?
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