I have so many great ideas for blog posts. So many deep thoughts and interesting observations and funny stories to share. And yet . . . I can’t seem to get them from my mind and my heart onto the screen.
I can’t seem to write.
I’m not sure what the culprit is. Perhaps I have too much on my mind. Maybe I’m bored. Or could it be that I need to switch up my writing strategy?
“Clean off the desk” has been on my to-do list for about two months now. I can get my entire house organized, but that desk foils me every time! But now that I’m thinking about finding a new place, a new time, a new way to write? I think I need to get cracking on that desk.
Where do you write? When do you write? What do you do when writer’s block strikes?
I feel the same way lately!! Let me know what you come up with! :-/
Haha! I will! :)
I’m a single mother of three little ones, so I write when I can – and that is variable and random. I often jot down ideas while out and about, then put action to the thought sometime after the kiddos are in bed or early in the morning. Also, I don’t have a regular schedule and post rather sporadically. I would love a challenge to be more intentional.
Maybe you can make regular posting a goal for this year? I’m working on a schedule for myself (again – it’s always a work in progress!). :)
I write on my couch in the living room, at coffee shops, or while sitting on my best friend’s window seat. I’m more prolific when I’m away from the house- though the past month, I’ve been able to accomplish a lot at home.
Sometimes it’s OK to give yourself a predetermined break from writing. Take a week or month off and you’ll come back with fresh ideas and energy.
I may need to try writing away from home, too. I was thinking last night about assigning one day a week a “writing day” – sticking to it is the challenge, of course, but maybe having a special day would help…
I wish I knew. ;( Let me know if you, ah, figure out the magic formula! :)
Haha! Yeah, if I can find the solution, I’ll shout it from the rooftops! :)
Oh Mary, I totally understand. I start blog posts and just don’t finish them ALL. THE. TIME. For me, it’s just busyness. I don’t multi-task very well and since I’ve gone back to work I need to focus on that. I’m hoping now that we’re on break I can write a little more. Hang in there and write when you feel like it.
Thanks, Shelly. I hope you’ve had a wonderful Christmas and break!