Last week Annalyn asked me for a piece of printer paper to scribble draw a picture on. I said no and as she started to complain, I said [sarcastically, because that often works with four-year-olds. Oh, wait.], “Ohhhh, poor baby! It’s too bad you don’t have anything to color on. It’s too bad you only have 12 coloring books in your basket over there.”
Without missing a beat, she said, “But I want 13 coloring books!”
I just about lost it right then and there. Are you kidding me? Some kids don’t have any coloring books! Some kids don’t even have crayons! There are starving children in Africa!!!
Last weekend, Mark and I were discussing work schedules and budgets and other fun topics, and he said, “Yeah, because we’re broke.”
Again, I came a little unglued. Broke? Really? Because we’ve been broke, and this is NOT it. And really? When we were so-called “broke”? It’s not like we were really, really POOR. We don’t even KNOW poor. Come ON!”
Clearly we are suffering from the first-world problems in my house. And I’m afraid I have to say “we” in that statement, because I’m just as bad as my family. Which just might explain why I was so sensitive to their overblown statements and ridiculous complaints. Because I’m just as overblown and ridiculous as they are.
Thanks to one little click on Twitter this morning, I fell down the hilarious rabbit hole (and sad commentary) of first-world problems posts. I’m sure you’ve read some yourself, but in case you missed these, here are the ones I found today:
- Newlywed Trek: First World Problems We Encountered While Moving
- Top 10 First-World Problems :: The Adventures of MommyHaha
- The Big Fat Gini Blog: First World Problems…
- RANTS FROM MOMMYLAND: First World Problems – Mommy Edition
I’m halfway through a serious, deep thoughts sort of post, but after reading those (and more), I had to chime in with my own list of first-world problems.
- My house is really cold. I have to wear slippers while I sit on the couch and watch TV.
- It is such a pain to copy and paste links from my Delicious bookmarks. It takes three steps!
- I have to go to the bank in person to close my health savings account [from four years ago], because they won’t let me do it over the phone.
- Pinterest and Hootsuite keep logging me out, even though I click the “remember me” button.
- I forgot to get some things at the store yesterday, so I’m going to have to go back again today.
- I only need two things, though, so I can’t decide if I should take in a reusable bag or not.
- The next book in the series I’m officially addicted to is on hold at the library. I’m number 237 in line, and I don’t want to wait.
- Every time I buy a Groupon for house cleaning, the company goes out of business. I hate cleaning my own house. [Seriously. On both counts.]
- I keep forgetting my password for paying my student loan bill online.
- My VCR remote is broken, so I can’t fast forward through commercials. What am I, an animal?
What about you – do you have any first-world problems? Go ahead and get them off your chest in the comments. You know you’ll feel better!
This post will be linked up to Top Ten Tuesday on OhAmanda.
I have three closets that are fully dedicated to me … and every one of them is a mess!
Dude. That IS rough. Haha!
Please tell me you’re following @FirstWorldLife. That’s where I found the funniest ones. At one point, I was keeping a list of them so I could do a similar post to this and now, of course, I can’t think of a single one. Yours are hilarious though!
I am so happy about this information!!
Ohhh, I did not know about @firstworldlife. Following NOW!
1. My cousin lured me on to Scramble with Friends and now never plays.
2. The preschool iPhone app I use for my kids is acting up, so I have to delete it and reinstall.
3. I forgot to run the dishwasher yesterday afternoon, which meant I had dirty dishes in my sink this morning.
4. My youngest didn’t take a very long morning nap because it was too cold in his room.
5. Because it was too cold, I was forced to turn on the heat.
6. My PayPal account got messed up, so I had to take the extra step of transferring my money to my bank account.
7. Because my PayPal account messed up, I won’t get a book I want until next month,
Good gravy, this puts things into perspective!
I will not knock wanting your kiddo to take a long nap. No way.
Wow, that’s really crazy about the house cleaning Groupon! Funny list. Thanks for linking to my blog.
I know. It’s like Groupon doesn’t WANT me to get my house cleaned! The nerve!
Yesterday, my husband stopped at the store for me to get cream so I could make a pie (yesterday was National Pie Day and I felt a moral obligation to celebrate). Kroger was completely out, which meant no pie.
Thanks so much for linking back to my blog.
No pie??? Noooooooooo! ;)
Once again, I just have to smile that I still have a VCR sister. Rock on!
Smiling? I’m laughing at the VCR! ;)
Is having a VCR a 1st world problem? Seems 2nd world at best ;)
Hardy-har-har. My complaint was not about my VCR, just the broken remote. So…there.
That’s right! VCR lovers unite! :)
Too funny! I especially had to laugh about the Pinterest and Hootsuite. I kept getting automatically logged out of Pinterest and Facebook before. Every time I sighed like it was some huge issue. LOL
I know, right? WHAT, Pinterest? You don’t REMEMBER me? ME? Hahaha!
Thanks for the reminder. :) We are very blessed. (I should read this post every day to remind myself.;)
Me, too, Chelly. ME TOO.
OK, I find you pretty much as hysterical as the guy from my post the other day.
“My mouse batteries died and I have to go ALL the way to the end of the hall to get new ones.”
“My friend made me get a milkshake at lunch and now I am too full.”
Well, really now, batteries at the end of the hall IS pretty annoying. ;)
The video on MommyHaha’s post is the funniest thing ever.
Really, I’m too tired to write a witty comment…*yawn*
Yes, I watched that – soooo funny!
My 5 y/o had a bad day yesterday because he didn’t get a chance to play with Legos.
When the temperature outside gets below 50, the warmest I can get my house is 68.
My computer got messed up and I didn’t have internet access for a whole day! And Outlook got messed up, and I can’t reinstall it, which means my calendar is gone (even though I have two paper ones with all the same info) and I have to actually use an internet browser to check email. The horror, right?
Okay, well, I say computer problems should be exempt from first world problem mocking. ;)
Love the post. Interestingly, “I’ve been so busy lately that I don’t have time to read my favorite blog posts.” Hehe. Nice post to come back to today.
Oooh, good timing, then!
1. i’m sick and wanted chocolate ice cream but the store only had 5 specialty flavors to choose from so i had to settle for chocolate caramel pie ice cream.
2. i’m cuddled up on the couch with my dog and pillows and i can’t reach my phone to text my son to get me more ice cream.
3. my son needs $3 for a school field trip tomorrow and i don’t have change for a twenty.
4. i have a pile of magazines that are cluttering up my living room table that i don’t have time to read because i’m in the middle of 4 different books right now.
5. i have to walk downstairs to do my laundry because our commercial washer and dryer are down there…really inconvenient.
Haha! Loved these! (And I hope you got that ice cream!!)